Friday, January 7, 2022

The DaWeenies are Reunitied at Rainbow Bridge


May be an image of dog

Sixteen years is a long time to have a dog, never mind a pair, but Max and Amber were together, beginning when they were born on January 27, 2004, until the day that Amber went to the Bridge in January of 2020, for 16 years.

They had become like an old married couple, more than siblings, the kind that would finish each other's woofs. Collectively they were known as the DaWeenies of Florida. Their momma Linda chronicled their life together in a blog by that name.

The three were devoted to one another, and their bond grew deeper each year. It seemed like nothing could part them, and there was only one thing that could: Time, which ends at our doorstep on Rainbow Bridge.

When Amber arrived two years, the ground at the Blogville section of Rainbow Bridge quaked the way it does when something big is uprooted and replanted elsewhere. The clouds rolled in, loaded with tears of those left behind who were mourning the tiny giant's passing. They cleaned and refreshed the land because pure hearts had shed them,

After Amber's crossing over, Max and his mom helped one another recover. Their spirits vacillated between feeling great love for one another and sorrow when they thought of Amber. The two ideas were like balloons floating in a small box. Sometimes the despair was on top, and sometimes the love was, but neither was dominant for long.

Amber did all she could to keep Max with his mom from that day forward. They both begged and borrowed extra heartbeats. Amber battled the dark angels who claim souls for the immortal side to a draw. But time is the one thing you can neither avoid nor ignore, and eventually, despite all the love in the world and the efforts of devoted angels, it was Max's time.

I have witnessed hundreds of dog reunions, but the one between Max and Amber topped them all. They laughed, smiled, ran like puppies, snuggled like seniors, barked, rolled on the grass, and howled in joy, all in a few minutes. Their joy balloon flew far higher than the sorrow one, at least for a few moments. Still, they knew the only balloon their mom had in her box was popped by heartache, and she needed her angels, both new and experienced, working together to fill her up with hope, happiness, acceptance, and love.

It may be Amber's most challenging task, but now that Max is helping her, I see their mom will soon be able to emerge from the twisted woods where despair rules and move into the light.


  1. So beautifully told, a story for the heart, for the ages.
    Thank you ~ we loved them all.

  2. DaWeenies were and always will be super special, they will figure out how to help their Mom.

  3. Knowing they are reunited and happy together, must make the pain just a tiny bit better to bear.

  4. Thanks for sharing da Weenies reunion! What a bright spot in the darkness! We know ther Peep has Max and Amber sized holes in her heart and we send her our purrayers.

  5. Thank you so much for this story of my babies' reunion at the Bridge. This has been a very hard week for us. It just seems like Max is everywhere. I haven't had a full night's sleep because I keep listening for him..... Reading your beautifully told story about them has helped me a lot. Thank you again and thank you for your friendship..

  6. foley and pocket; thiz izza awesum tributez ta amber and max ♥♥♥♥♥ pleez ta tell them uz tabbies said hi and we hope they both haza never endin supply oh donutz....they noe oh what we speek ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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