Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thankful Thursday

 It is the Thankful Thursday blog hop hosted by Brian. Once a week, I like to give thanks for something good that has happened, and it is better than saying I am sorry.

My parents, who are usually holiday orphans, went to Mommy's brother at Christmas, and they were very thankful to do so.

 Everyone attending was vaccinated and took a test that day to ensure they were COVID-free. Well, in the worst luck, someone got exposed to COVID before it could show up on a test. There were ten people there, and by Saturday, five had COVID.
My parents wanted to take a test, but none were available, and the wait at testing sites was more than a week.

Thankfully, Mommy's brother had two tests. On Sunday, my parents drove to his house and picked them up, then got home and took the tests. Thankfully there was only one line, and they were negative.

They were most worried about their granddaughters, who they saw between Christmas and the tests.  
They are happy they were negative and can continue with their lives. Another crisis averted, at least for now.


  1. We are thankful that you pawrests are OK, and hope that those who tested positive for this horrid virus are doing OK too.

  2. that is so great that the test said negative... sometimes and in this times negative is something good...

  3. The glass half empty. May those five be well soon, without much in the way of symptoms or distress ... and giving thanks that all others passed their tests, were negative, and hopefully stay negative. This is a bad-bug going after all of us!

  4. Oh my, that darn evil Covid, but we're sure glad your Mom and Dad are okay. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. river....we iz happee for de negativez and hope full for de postivez ~~~~~ heerz hopin de hole fmailee iz soon happee healthee ♥♥

    yur bed iz awesum bye de way !! ☺☺

  6. Everything that we learned in 2020 and 2021 don't work for 2022 and the new variations. I don't think I'm getting out of this house any time soon!
    Glad your pawrents are okay; hope the other who were sick are better now.

  7. We are so glad those tests were negative. Our Mom and Dad are trying so hard to be careful too. We hope the grands are OK too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Terrific Thankfuls! We too are glad that your Peeps are OK. We wish them continued good health!

  9. Even with such great preventative measures, that evil COVID can spread. So glad your folks are ok, and hoping everyone else recovers soon. Our dad is vaccinated, but he got it just before Christmas, so we just stayed home and tore up toys and stuff. XOX Xena, Lucy and Chia and Riley

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