Friday, April 15, 2022

Friendly Friday Fill Ins




 Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Here are this weeks questions with River's answers in red.:
1. I hope the Easter Bunny brings me his big, fat, drunk uncle who I can chase around the yard until I catch it.
2. My favorite part of the Easter ( or Passover) meal is the miracle of ham falling to the floor.
3. I’m most looking forward to continuing my NPE (nap, poop, eat) lifestyle  this weekend.
4. For me, this time of year is my favorite. I get walks again, there are good smells on the ground, my flower friends return, and it is warming up. Go spring!




  1. Good Morning to you! I got a day of sunshine to warm me in my beddie and up on the back edge of the couch! Can't beat that, I always say.

  2. Hope there is a lot of ham falling from the sky!

  3. River, do you know you are a funny dog? You would NEVER get ham for Passover, BOL! That's why we're staying with Easter!! XOX Xena, Lucy and Chia

  4. River! You are just tooo funny! You remind me of our hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon! Her answers were very much like yours! Go River Go and I do hope you and your peeps have a marvellously happy day! Thanks for visiting us!
    Purrs Marv

  5. Can I start having NPE weekends, too ... am gonna ask mine hu-mom to mark that on my calendar. NPE is for me! Or maybe,
    NPE: Repeat. Thanks for the great idea.

  6. Those are great fill-ins and we were hoping for some ham to drop on the floor, but no such luck!!!


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