Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday Question


Have you ever heard a noise, or seen something, that made you think you are getting a visit from the spirit side?


River's Answer:  Pocket used to jump out of bed at night. She made a distinctive sound when her front paws and then her back paws hit the floor. My parents have heard that sound in the middle of the night several times since she passed.


  1. we sometimes look at the ceiling and are like petrified... that must be a greeting from above... or a mouse in the attic...

  2. Xena: Sometimes Angel Lexi comes to me in my dreams.
    Lucy: That's not the same, Xe. River means like..
    Xena: Like the weird stuff Mommy used to hear and see and experience?
    Lucy: *shudder* Yep, like that.

  3. Yes, this is true. After Zoey crossed her bridge, often in the evening, while stretched out on the sofa, watching TV, a slight shadow would pass by me. Somehow I knew it was her. I was sure, without doubt.

  4. When Celestial Chuck left us, I awoke several times to have 'him' jump onto the bed. Celestial Angel continued to leave her white whiskers around for me to find, and The PO'M would give his distinctive squeeky meow to remind me that he was nearby.

  5. Mackey barks in her sleep sometimes. We think she's answering voices only she can hear.

  6. I know as sure as I type this tuna is in the house still ♥♥♥

  7. Yep, we here those who are no longer here too, often.

  8. Yes, I have experienced something similar and Dani definitely stares at something upstairs. They are still with us in spirit.

  9. I haven't heard anyone but... I have felt Robin and several times, Admiral on the bed. But more in the weeks following their passing.

  10. Yes! We have Queen Nellie Bellie (the Cat From Hell). She is the spirit of our house. I still see her out of the corner of my eyes. And the before hairy slobbery sisters are still here too. I still miss Bob.


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