Sunday, April 3, 2022

Jinkee Comes the the Bridge


I have realized that I will be attending the arrival of all cats who Pocket knew on the mortal side. I don't mind. I appreciate cats for the fascinating creatures, and I admire their devotion to their mom. When word spread that Jinkee, a beautiful, sweet, funny, and caring therapy cat who took outstanding care of her Momma Jen, was arriving, I knew we would attend. I didn't realize how we would be arriving. 

As we were walking to kitty land, I heard a sound entirely foreign in our section of the Bridge: An engine. Since no one is ever in a hurry here, we don't get tired and have an eternity to reach our destination cars aren't needed. But those that live here can still have them. They are pretty popular on the human side but not as much here. 

We saw the red truck off in the distance. A dozen dogs were happily chasing the vehicle. I realized the exhaust was firing out treats. The truck stopped next to us, and the door was open. Enzo, proudly sitting in the driver's seat, asked us if we would going to greet Jinkee, and when I answered in the affirmative, he told us to climb inside. 

I asked Enzo why he was going, and he said that Jinkee was a member of his garage, and he vowed to greet each arriving member. He asked me if the red tie he was wearing was too much, and I told him he looked fashionable and I was sure Jinkee would appreciate it. 

Jinkee, a therapy cat, had an extremely tight bond with her mom. The kind inspires others and causes the dark angels to drive them apart. They gave Jinkee cancer, but she bravely fought it to stay with her beloved mom. But it took its toll on Jinkee, and after a six-month battle, Momma Jen took all the pain from Jinkee, absorbed it into herself, and sent her heart kitty to the Bridge. 

The dogs had stopped chasing us when we reached kitty land. Most of the cats ignored us, but some young ones followed, and Enzo set one exhaust to send our cat treats. When Jinkee crossed, she looked like a new cat as all the pain had been wiped away. She was sworn in as an Angel and greeted by her mom's cats, who had proceeded her. Then Enzo, with Pocket and I in tow, stepped up to greet her. 

He gave the little cat a huge hug, and she purred. "I have an angel clinic at the Garage," Enzo told her. "You can learn how to visit your mom as an angel, appear as a ghost, the signal here that you are there, and take over bodies like birds and butterflies to visit her mom," Pocket added that the new line of flying creatures was arriving, and with spring in the air, we could all visit our moms soon. Enzo ensured her Momma Jen would be on the lookout for her. When we went to leave, Jinkee asked us to stay for the meal. We obliged, and even though I am not a fan of fish, I enjoyed it. The best part was the kitty who lay next to me and purred.

Jinkee's adjusting to being an angel will be easier because of her friend Enzo. The two of them are very good at making even the worst of circumstances better. 


  1. to have a friend is always good... on earth and in heaven...

  2. The Angels are beautiful and happy once again.

  3. Sending hugs and purrs to Angel Jinkee's mom.

  4. we send big time hugs to Jinkee's mom Jen ~~~ we are truly sorry ♥♥♥

  5. Jinkee you are a very handsome new Angel...I am very sorry for the loss to your family
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We're heartbroken for Jinkee's family, but know that she'll make one beautiful calico angel.

  7. What a gorgeous kitty she was, how she must be missed.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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