Friday, September 23, 2022

Friendly Fill Ins


Friendly Fill-ins

My good firneds Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

This is the first time that me, Ruby Rose, has answered the questions. Wish me luck. My answers are in bold.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. Pee pads should come with instructions..
2. And just like that the stuffie I had been chewing on exploded and spread fully across the room

 3. I get funny looks from others when I do this


4. I once tried to be good an entire day
and I failed.


  1. Poor stuffie!
    Must get a new, improved version, Ruby!

  2. Love your face that goes with #3. You have the most precious little face, Ruby.

  3. Exploding stuffies OH MY Ruby Rose you are living your best life and FYI being good all day is overrated.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Those were really fun answers but I'll bet you're really good every day!

  5. Xena: I'm with you on #1, Ruby. Mom tried to get me to stand on one not long ago, and I didn't have a clue what to do with it.
    Lucy: You made my tail wag with your picture, Ruby Rose.
    Chia: Wow! I wish MY stuffies would explode like that. That would be so cool!

  6. You look VERY relaxed in that photo!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?