Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Sophie Comes to Rainbow Bridge


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The Nazario Gang has a mansion by the river with a private beach they share with everyone. They were rewarded for their pack size and for being good pets. This week the Gang, including my friends Magoo, Maggie, Mikey, Miguelito, Greta, Willow, Tramp., Capone, Rascal, Benji, and many of their pre-social networks predecessors, marched from the mansion, en masse, to Hobo’s Landing.   Their mortal sister Sophie had signaled that she was joining them.

The caravan of dogs marched together like the Queen’s guard, and as they did, other angels, some of them friends, others following their instincts, joined the group, and soon there was a parade of dogs that lasted more than a mile wide and 100 miles long.

Sophie came into the pack 17 years ago as a stray. Her cute and feisty personality fit in perfectly with the large and boisterous pack. She passed in her sleep, choosing not to have to put her parents through choosing to send their child to the next world, something Sophie has watched them do too many times.

She followed the tracks laid down by her siblings, going to the nearest body of water, floating in it until she reached the River of Life, being carried by the currents to the Bridge, where she crawled out of the water. River Song awaited her to help with the transition, which was not needed. Sophie was prepared for this day; her angels had ensured it.

While passing over was something the Nazarios were overly familiar with, despite the number of pets their parents have lost, each one brings its unique pain and dredges up the buried pain of past losses. The more times you travel, the road of grief doesn’t make it easier; the path you follow turns to mud, making each trip through it more arduous. But Mama Christine will have one other angel walking with her easing her heart.

Before Sophie could help her mom, she reunited with her pack, some she knew on the mortal side and others in only dreams, but they were now part of a heavenly family, and they yipped, jumped, hugged, and licked another rejoicing in the reunion.

There was a sizeable welcoming dinner, and all of Sophie’s online friends introduced themselves. Once we were done, the Nazarios regrouped and, well-fueled, marched back to their mansion, where they would start rebuilding their mom’s shattered heart again.

Hopefully, being experienced in heart rebuilding will aid this large pack in their sworn duty.


  1. Beautifully done.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. We should be able to make the choice to pass in our sleep ... surely the best way.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?