Sunday, November 13, 2022

Caesar Come to Enzo's Mountain



May be an image of cat 


When Caesar, my cat friend, arrived at the Bridge, I knew it was a monumental loss for his family and friends. He was a vital member of his pack, the little ginger cat who never failed to raise a smile, a left a big hole in the heart of the survivors who loved him and will mourn him.

Unfortunately, Caesar's body gave out before his heart and mind. The most uncomplicated activity proved to be a pain for him, and his parents took all the hurt on themselves as they let their precious little boy be reborn at the Bridge, so he could be happy in healthy, even if it meant they now lived in constant sorrow.

Enzo lived on his own mountain and had many friends living with him, but when Caesar passed, Enzo knew his house was getting too crowded. He came to me and asked for my representation in his petition to set up a new village at the Bridge: Enzo's Mountain.

It would be a beautiful setting, high above Doggyspace and Blogger Village. There would be villas for all his friends who chose to live in his Village. The Powers That Be took very little persuading to approve Enzo's Village.
It only took a day for them to create the mountain on the edge of Doggyspace. I immediately took a liking to it. I love how the sun shines off of cliffs and how they reflect in the water. Because of Enzo's excellent work during his life, his mountain was stunning.

I walked in two towns, and it was like a flood was coming because so many dogs walking north, pushing their possessions in wooden carts. I realized they were Enzo's friends moving to their new home on his mountain.
I followed them. It took an hour to make the trip on foot. I entered Enzo's Garage, and my friend was working on a truck. I looked out the back door and could see the River of Life and all our houses beyond it. I hadn't realized we were above the clouds until I saw Caesar sunning himself on a passing cloud.

It was the most peaceful place on the Bridge. Enzo told me I could have a house, but my duties kept me near the river. He did sell me a pretty time-share cabin. Usually, I don't recommend them, but time-sharing is fine when we live in eternity.

I was happy to see Caeser fitting in well in his new home and all the Garage members enjoying the mountain. 

Sometimes the Bridge isn't everything it promised to be, but here it was, a little bit of paradise.


  1. Thank you Judge Foley for such a beautiful story honoring our kitty friend Caesar. ❤️ He was such a sweet and adorable kitty.

  2. Awwww, another sweet story….

  3. Rest peacefully at the Bridge Caeser.

  4. Caesar will surely be missed by all who loved him but I'm glad his ANgel pals are looking out for him during the transition.

  5. Sorry to hear about your kitty friend. It sounds like there are some pretty wonderful places for our angels to live on the other side of the bridge.

  6. Purrs for Caesar's family as I know they will miss him so much.
    He will be happy and healthy at the Bridge.
    Purrs, Julie

  7. What a lovely story for a lovely kitty who will be so missed.

  8. What a beautiful thing to create Enzo Mountain for him loved it


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