Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Wordless Wednesday



  1. You are looking very relaxed, Ruby. Happy Thursday!

  2. Nothing to say? Surely something is on your mind!

  3. You're such a pretty girl, Ruby Rose. Yes you are.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. Ruby! That's the same look I give my Peep when she suggests cuddles! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  5. The Pawparazzi are everywhere, aren't they, Ruby?

  6. Dear Ruby, you look beautiful in your picture. We miss you because we've lost your follow and can't find the follow link on your blog. Help! XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley

  7. Hi friend, Ojo here! I haven't been around recently and I'd forgotten how cute your face is! I hope you get treats just for showing up, you deserve them! We hope you and your people are well!


The Ruby Rose Report: Ruby Goes to War Against Facebook.

  The next day I got an email from Facebook that they removed the post because it was an attempt by me to link something to try and get l...