Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday Fill Ins


Our co-hosts give us four sentences with blanks and it is up to I, Ruby Rose, a one year old smooth coated Griffon to answer them

Here are today’s sentences!   

My answers are in red

1. My favorite holiday tradition is buggery (although I have never participated I have heard good things)
2. On Christmas (or Hanukkah) I plan to fill up on anything that falls on the floor, or is put in my bowl.

3. ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even Mickey Mouse because he's a drunk. It's sad to see. He drinks so much now after a couple of tequilas it is all he can do to cut the cheese
4. Handing out hundreds is the best way to spread holiday cheer.


  1. We had to look up buggery. YIKES, Ruby Rose! I'll take any and all foodable handouts!

  2. Ditto on Molly and that "buggery" thing cause it sure ain't meaning skeeters 'n' ants in your furry pants. And watch out for what falls on the floor as a lot of beins' start to spill their spiked-up egg nog and in a NYminute you'll be as drunk as your Mickey and ... well ... who knows what a can happen to a pretty girl when she gets drunk ... ? As for those hundreds, let us know when you're handing them out, we'd like to get in line. We'll text you our cell number ...

  3. I 100% agree with # 2 on your fill in
    Ruby Rose may your first Christmas in your furever home fill your heart with joy and you dish with food
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Ruby! You have outdone yourself! Our human is rolling on the floor she is laughing so hard! Yes! Her coffee is coming out her nose too! Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Thank YOU!
    Keep on being awesome! Purrs Marv


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