Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday Fill Ins


Friday Fill-ins Hop is co-hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing'  They give us four sentences with blanks for us to fill in. 

My answers are both in blue and may blue


1. Gluttony is my focus word for 2023.
2. 2022 was like being prodded by a near sighted student nurse trying to find a vein on a 90-year-old man getting a colonoscopy.
3. Don't eat glass is the most important lesson I learned over the past year.
    4. I hope 2023 is the year that my parents dig up the lawn amd          plant bacon strips



  1. Can you send some of those bacon strip plants over to our place?

  2. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could grow our own bacon! And we agree about the glass. yuk and dangerous!

  3. Did you say BACON!?!?! New Years deserves bacon! Lawns with bacon plants! Count us in! Don't pawty too hard tonight Ruby. Purrs Marv

  4. bacon strips sounds like a really good idea!

  5. These days, with all the shortages and such, it's probably a good idea to plant some bacon in the yard. Happy New Year!

  6. Ruby Rose if you learn how to grow bacon in the back yard I hope you share the process.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Wishing you guys a very Happy New Year! Hugs.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?