Thursday, December 15, 2022

Poetry Corner

e Here is the photo that our friend Sam sent us as inspiration for Poetry Thursday

 Jake was stopped by the TSA
He had something in his diaper, they did say
While his parents waited
And grew frustrated
Nothing could be found
Even after an ultrasound
Jake's parents arrived to reclaim him
When the TSA reported with face most grim
That sometime during their search
They put Jake on a perch
And now he was gone
And the agent did fawn
As the parents raged
And in a minute ten years the had aged
Until they found he was mistaken for baggage
And loaded as another package
To Newark international
Where travelers saw something irrational
Jake in baggage claim
And to absolve themselves of blame \
The airline said with glee
It was proof kids fly for free


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?