Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday Question

 What is your superpower?

Ruby's Answer: No matter what I am doing or how I look every picture of me is perfect


  1. Sweetie's superpower is keeping her humans up at night with her meowing.
    Manny's superpower is not eating his entire meal, and making the humans wait on him until he is done.
    Chili Bruce's superpower is being a lap kitty.

  2. Millie's superpower is her hearing. Even at her advanced age she still can hear a package of cold cuts being opened at the other end of the house. Walter's superpower is his internal clock that doesn't allow us to miss any meals (the dogs or the parents).

  3. My superpower is catching almost every single tennis ball mom throws at me! The ones that I miss are totally her fault!

  4. Our Angel Little Bit was great at those cute faces to get what she wanted. Worked every time.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. "There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!" Oh, and Rosie and Baby's super powers are the magic yum yum door. They sit and stare at us, looking like they have to go out (like every ten minutes!) knowing that when they come back in, they'll get a treat. Problem is, we are wise to this now. They only get a treat if they actually do some doggie business outside first. But they got their revenge. Today I ignored their pleading faces and for that, one of them left a big soggy poop by the magic yum yum door! Little stinkers!

  6. Hmm...We think our super power is well, just being us! BOL
    Sunny and Rosy

  7. Katie's super power is her ability to get into any closet closed to it or not.

  8. Ha!!! Levi's super power is he is a GIANT Sheltie which makes him quite intimidating to some because he has a BIG DEEP bark, unlike most Shelties.

  9. Brian's is being friendly and welcoming!

  10. Underdog was a favorite when I was a kid. Not many cartoons like that anymore. we still watch Tom & Jerry and the Looney Tunes.


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