Friday, July 7, 2023

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Fighting Back at Fireworks.


 Across the country, dogs have begun to climb out of Fox holes and tornado cellars, hopefully, clear of the barrage of fireworks which drove them to take shelter. 

The Fourth of July is the only time people are allowed to disturb their neighbors, peaceful enjoyment of their homes, or upset their personal property, by which I mean pets. People say they are doing this to be patriotic, a term that has been an excuse for destructive behavior lately.

I saw on TV a bunch of patriots attacking the capital, something, when I was mortal, was unpatriotic. When a Yorkie crosses the Bridge, it can cause the world to turn upside down.  

There are differences between the Capitol Hill rioters and people who set off fireworks. The rioters were prosecuted, the riot was confined to one area, it couldn’t be heard or seen from 10 miles away, and no dogs were injured. If I had been the attorney for a January 6 defendant, I would have emphasized the lack of injured pets. I am sure the judge would show leniency.

In Massachusetts, where I last roamed the mortal world, it is illegal to have fireworks but not to set them off, so if the patriotic perpetrator sets his Ill-gotten booty off, and at the same time, the police approach, they can’t do anything because the fireworks now belong to the sky.. 

A person who lives in my former little town had a firework double back on them, hit the boxes of fireworks stacked against the garage causing an explosion that cracked windows and set the garage on fire. No charges filed. Another girl my dad knows was with her boyfriend when he set off a bottle rocket on top of her car. Just before it was launched it tipped over and by just around their heads. They had to climb under the car for safety “There ought to be a law,” she said. 

She's right.

In my parent's name, I am Going to send a letter to my state rep, urging her to file legislation to relieve those with trembling pets. I am proposing a fine of $10,000 to anyone who sets off fireworks or allows fireworks to be set off on their property—the increased penalties will go into the city. The budget tends to be marked for police overtime, motivating them to enforce the law.

If there is an insistence on allowing people to set off backyard fireworks, give them one hour from dusk on the fourth to do so. After that, like Cinderella’s carriage, they become illegal pumpkins again.

I have heard from lots of pet parents, and they are tired of the Fourth of Jly becoming a week of living in London during the Blitz with their pets trembling like frightened children not aware of what is happening. One year, when Pocket was with them, and was trembling with each bang, and  the fireworks were nearby Daddy wanted to go to the offender’s house and make them stop. Luckily Mommy stopped him, but some parents, watching a loved one suffer, is sure to finish what my Dad wanted to start, and it will end ugly. When people are tired, stressed, and seeing a beloved soul scared, they react like Momma Bears. It is just a matter of time. 

I have heard from many pet parents, and they are tired of the fourth of July becoming a week of living in London during the Blitz with their pets crumbling like frightened children unaware of what is happening. One year, when Pocket was with them and was trembling with each bang, and the fireworks were nearby, Daddy wanted to go to the offender's house and make them stop. Luckily Mommy wouldn't let him, but some parents, watching a loved one suffer, are sure to finish what my Dad wanted to start, and it will end ugly. When people are tired, stressed and see a beloved soul scared, they react like Momma Bears. It is just a matter of time.

Hopefully someone can persuade lawmakers to punish those who scar


  1. We think everywhere should outlaw personal fireworks. Luckily neither of us are bothered by those bangs, but sometimes we bark at them when they are too loud.

  2. Well said! Redford has spent that last week in terror, and they are STILL setting them off, many days after the 4th.

  3. AMEN...they started sending them up in our area about a week early.
    Thankfully it must have been a test run. I was worried they would do it every night til the 4th
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Ruby Rose you ARE not crazy it was very hot on our mini vacation and at that time the area still has some of the smoke from Canada too. Very oppressive.
    Hugs Cecilia


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...