Monday, July 31, 2023

Monday Question

 What do you do when your parents come home?

Ruby: I stand up by the front kitchen window and watch them then get on my back legs when they enter and expect to be greeted first. (If it's Daddy I give him a face bath when he gets home,)


  1. I mosey out of the bedroom at a slow pace to see if mom brought me anything.

  2. It's always like we thought they would never come home so there is a big celebration...and then we get a treat.

  3. June: I am usually hiding in the closet. I may or may not come out, depends on my mood. Cats can be moody you know.

  4. Angel Little Bit would whine and wait to see us drive in the driveway. We didn't leave her very often either.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. It depends...When Mama comes home, we don't do much...except want to outside if she's been gone awhile
    When Daddy comes home, there are dances and kisses!!

    Rosy and Sunny

  6. Da Boyz, if napping, will continue to nap when a human arrives. If they are up and around, then they will be right next to the front door.

  7. I go greet them to make sure they are okay.

  8. All of us greet them at the door that goes down to the downstairs and garage and bark and wag our tails hard and crowd in on them. They sometimes think we're trying to knock them back down the stairs but we promise, we're not! It means it's dinner time!!


The Ruby Rose Report: Traveling Like Royalty

I am the latest in a line of wonderful dogs that my parents have been fortunate enough to have in their lives. They started with Blake, a...