Friday, July 21, 2023

Nature Friday

Welcome to this week's Nature Friday. Thank you to Rose and Sunny for hosting it
These flowers are in the side garden, more commonly known as the River Song Garden.

Here are the Black Eyed Susans.
Her name is Sarah
She has a drinking problem.

This is a Common Speedwell
His name is Dexter
He doesn't like to be called a Common Speedwell
He chose Dexter because he thinks it's an uncommon name
I know it's not clever but he's a plant

This is his brother Dennis
He doesn't mind being common
I think he's Gay

Our Hydenga is just starting to bloom
We call him Slow Bob because he's a later bloomer

This is from our first Butterfly Bush called Jules I
River loves butterflies which is why this is her garden
It got cut down to almost the base this year anc came back
You can't keep a good Butterfly Bush down

This is from our second butterfly bush
You would think it would be called Jules II
Instead it demands to be called Vladamir the Impaler
Some bushes had delusions of grandeur
That is the tour of River's Garden
A den of liars, theives, and deluded bushes
Join us next week for Foley's Garden
If you don't you will face the wrath of Foley
Don't day you weren't warned



  1. Beautiful flowers! Our Sarah hasn't bloom yet but she will!

  2. What lovely flowers you found for River's Garden
    and what wonderful names and descriptions of them.
    Our neighbor has a lavender butterfly bush but it is no where near as happy as River's
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Well those are an uncommonly interesting names for your garden flowers. (I think the world should know that Gail once killed a butterfly bush, despite everyone claiming these plants are indestructible. ..)

  4. You have lots of pretty flowers. We never thought of naming our flowers like that.

  5. Your flowers are all so beautiful, they really are!

  6. We don't understand why Foley has a den of liars, thieves, and deluded bushes??


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...