Friday, July 28, 2023

Nature Friday

Welcome back to my Friday introduction to our blooms via the Blog Hop hosted by our friends Jake and Arty. 

This week we are doing the plot known as St Anthony’s Garden, the central garden, the big garden, and most importantly, Foley’s park, so named because she thinks it’s the biggest and the best.

Here are some newly planted Impatiens called the Jonas brothers. Usually, we lose a couple to the Heat; poor Nick looks a little pale.

This is Billy the Great Big Lily. He is our giant plant but only produced a few bids. Rumor is it might be a victim of downsizing.

This is Sasha, the Shasta Daisy looking to have a good time.

This is  Woody, the oriental bittersweet. It looks like Woody is a weed to me.

Here are the Lily, Sistera Olga, and Gwen. They had a fight about a cross-pollinating bee.

Next week: The Pocket Garden


  1. Love the lilies and mom cuts off hosta leaves all the time as they encroach on her flowers.

  2. You have such pretty flowers with very unique names. BOL!

  3. Gardens are the best part of summertime, Ruby!

  4. The garden looks great! We love the names!

  5. What a blooming marvellous display! Oh and before we furget, guess what? Mew guys won Amber's book Giveaway! WOOOOO HOOOOOO! Many concatulations! Check out last Wednesday's post for the official announcement:


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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