Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Ruby Rose Report: The Attack of the Mole Man

 This week was filled with danger. The mole men got under the house and tried to attack us. Luckily my barking kept them away.

It started with a puddle. During a walk, Daddy saw a familiar wet spot by the back concrete steps, he had seen it before but thought it was runoff from the rain, but it hadn't rained for three days. He removed a slat from under the house, looked under, and said some made of HBO words. By the time he called a plumber, I was sleeping.

Three days later, a man appeared tasked with climbing under the house supposedly to fix the leak, but he had sinister plans. He opened the door beneath the house and let the mole man out.

He crawled out of his hole, thirsty for Griffon's blood, and began hammering, trying to break the floor and come inside. I ran to the grate under the house and began to bark at the mole man to leave, but he persisted.

He was trying to wrench the floorboards off to get to us. My parents seemed to find this all normal, as they did not let the mole people bother me.

The man who opened the portal for the mole men must have closed the hatch each time she crawled out from under the house because the noise stopped. He left, and I thought we were safe, but apparently, he had to buy parts for the mole people, and he was soon back under the house, and the banging and wrenching restarted.

This went on for hours. I think my defending the house worked because, with my super hearing, I could hear the man saying that the "job" was more complicated than he thought. There is nothing worse than a whiney mole man.

Finally, the mole men were defeated, and the man who unleashed them in the first place expected payment. I was incensed. These mole me exterminators have you by the short hairs.  

That night I got a dream visit from River Song. She explained that she had loosened the clamps on all the pipes before she left for the Bridge, causing them to leak and driving her feral kitty animals from the spot under the porch. "I didn't want you to have to deal with them," River said.

I thanked her and didn't let on how I felt.

I would rather deal with a hundred feral cats than the mole men.


  1. da mole man is the bad bro of batman? or not? at least very scary.... we better run...

  2. Gail says the the words '"ob more complicated than we thought" strike fear into every human homeowner. Have some sympathy Ruby.

  3. Oh, Ruby!
    The feral cats need the water to drink, so we hope they have an alternate source of agua.
    Good job of controlling the mole men though.

  4. Your parents are lucky to have you defending the home from those mole men.

  5. Whoah...mole men sound scary! Your folks are lucy you kept them at bay(or under the house in this case)!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. 100 Feral might want to rethink that.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. You have the mole men afraid of you. They will never come back. Mom said to tell you she loved the comment you made on my blog saying music should play when kitties walk . I agree...we kitties do walk gracefully.

  8. Now we are going to have to get outside and see if there are mole men under our deck. Mom and Dad won't be too happy if there are. So far this year we have had baby bunnies and baby treerats!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Mole men...*shudder* Although feral cats can be pretty scary, too!


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...