Sunday, July 2, 2023

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Gretchen


For Brody, life, on both sides of the Bridge, has been a series of beginnings and endings, mostly as a witness, but one sad day he became the departed himself.

That was long ago, and since then, Brody has been an angel first class, which is good because he has a lot of people to watch over.

When he walked the mortal world, he loved to play, snuggle, and eat, which he did a lot of, without caring if it was actual food. This was his downfall; one night, he ate something that sent him to the Bridge.

Before that sad day, Brody had done a lot of welcoming, mostly to his human brother and sister, whom he guarded as a mortal and angel. Their safety is his prime concern, and he found the perfect mortal helper.

Gretchen was a sweet, loving German Shepherd treasure who lost his family and, at seven and a half, needed a new home. Brody had already brought in a replacement, Finnm, but he was about the fun. Gretchen needed to do the more serious work of watching over Brody's Mom and her kids.

Gretchen gave her heart and soul to the family. When she was adopted, she knew she would not have a long time with her family, so she gave us as much love, calmness, and caring as possible - fifteen years worth in less than two.

When Gretchen had given the last drop of her devotion, she was sent to the Bridge by her loving mom. Whenever a parent has to say goodbye, they relive all the other times their beloved pet passed over. Even though each death strengthens a human, it is still harder each time.

Brody was the first to meet Gretchen and hugged her, which the German Shepherd returned. They thanked one another for caring for the kids and for the opportunity to do so.

With three-quarters of her life over, Gretchen had never had a true home and little hope for one, but when she met Angel Brody, he gave her the greatest gift: eternal love. Moving into Brody's house was a forever home on both sides of the Bridge.

Finn is still there to rebuild his mom's broken heart, which has been shattered several times and put back together by Brody, Finn, and Gretchen. They have filled the same role for the children, all knowing there is rarely something as precious as a child's love for a dog.

Brody has seen another ending, and that is when he starts looking to facilitate the next beginning.


  1. Gretchen and Brody are two parts of the purrfect team in taking care of their family! We are so glad that they have each other OTB and thanks for sharing their story with us. We also want to thank you for your kind words. We did not know our Step Grand Mom well. She lived in another city, but the Befores knew Grampy and they were happy that he was happy. He is a little sad right now, but he believes life is an adventure, sometimes the road goes up, sometimes down, sometimes curves, sometimes straight and sometimes bumpy but knowing you are loved makes all those things part of a grand adventure! Keep being awesome guys! Purrs Marv and Mom

  2. what a loving story of Gretchen squeezing in 15 years in 2 short years she did a wonderful job. Gretchen you are deeply missed, dearly loved, forever in their hearts. Hugs Dallas and Belle

  3. Jax and Chipper & Angels Cooper and RomeoJuly 3, 2023 at 9:28 AM

    Awww….sad story ss alwayswhen our babies go to the Brit๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŒˆ

  4. Ruby Rose you always do such a loving post for angels...
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Run free, friend Gretchen.

  6. Sweet Gretchen sure made the most of all that she had.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...