Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Ruby Rose Report: First Year Evaluations.


One year ago today, I came down the golden escalator at TF Green airport and quickly fixed to people's broken hearts like no one has seen.

Now it's time for me to evaluate my parent's performance yearly.

Below is my evaluation.

Comes to work in a timely manner:  They are always here when I wake up. Sometimes they are late for bed. I would prefer a set bedtime.

Works to full potential - I don't think I can get anything else from these two decrepit people. 

Quality of work: Mommy makes me a balanced meal twice daily with a proper balance of wet and dry food. My pee pads are picked up in a timely manner. I am usually allowed to sniff and roll in the green grass during my walks. I give them an A for adequate.  

Communication; most of the time, we communicate beautifully. My parents understand me when I look out the window and bark: "Hey, there's someone outside," or "Hey, there's someone else outside," or "Now they got a freaking dog," or "There's nobody outside," but other times it's like I am barking a completely different language. 

Takes the initiative: They usually don't need instructions, but sometimes they get caught up in a project and lose track of time. When that occurs, When they do I jump on Mommy, squish her boob with the people's foreleg and stare at her until she relents, or I climb to the back of Daddy's recliner, jump down over his shoulder, and Under Dog punch his testicular area. When he leans forward in pain, I bark- "Now that you're up, can you fill my snuggle mat?

Creativity: I give them low marks because they refuse to accept the idea of a second breakfast.

Independent work: I cannot say since I never leave them alone, not even to pee.

Coworkers Relations: I believe my two employees are sleeping together, but nothing happens because I am between them. 

Technical Skills: Not as far as I can see.

Dependability: Wherever I go, there they are.

Overall, I say their work is very satisfactory, and I have renewed their contract for another year, Although I expect some improvement, especially regarding the second breakfast. 


  1. Great evaluation Ruby Rose of your parents love how ou get their attention.. great picture of you. Dallas and Belle

  2. That's a pretty good review overall and I do hope you work out a deal for that second breakfast!

  3. It sounds like your parents are doing a good job for their first year.

  4. Not bad for a first employment review, Ruby.

  5. Oh after this review l bet you get a second breakfast!

  6. Hi hi hi, Ojo here! Happy Gotcha Day! Also, if you figure out how to get a second breakfast, please let me know!!

  7. It sounds like you have your peeps trained beautifully, Ruby! Well done!

  8. Yes Ruby, second breakfasts are important. You pawrents Could Do Better!

  9. We think your people did pretty well...and hope they take your request for second breakfast seriously. We would hate to see them have to take a cut in pay next year ;-)
    Rosy and Sunny

  10. Hi Ruby. Your evaluation seemed perfect. Mostly good, with room for improvement. Oh, and we use the same technique to make sure nothing strange goes on in bed during the night. XOX Xena and Chia

  11. Rosie and Baby Spaniel here. Well, you are certainly brutally honest! Oh and, Happy Gotcha Day!

  12. I'm sorry but I am dying laughing about that you "think that they are sleeping together" HILARIOUS!


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