Saturday, July 22, 2023

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Cosmo


Momma Silve has sent a lot of dogs to the Bridge. Having a lot of experience, you would think it would be easier, but they only get harder.

Parents never get over the passing of a beloved pet. They are, over time, able to bottle it in leaky containers that can't contain the pain, which seeps out periodically, and when heartbreak is experienced, as when a dog goes to the Bridge, those bottles are shattered. The heart has to collect the grief and bottle it again. Each time becomes more difficult.

Her newest angel, Cosmo, shattered the bottles when he went to the Bridge this week, dredging up memories of previous angels, like the latest, JD and Wendy.

Having lots of pets in your life means you have a lot of love and pain. The love outweighs the pain but is all-consuming when the latter is fresh.

Cosmo lived a long time on the mortal side. He did not suddenly get sick but slowly faded away as he aged, with his body slowly breaking down. When you see someone every day, you may not notice the changes as they age, like a picture that is gradually fading, until you look at it one day and realize you can barely see it.

Momma Silvie's baby boy reached up and touched the sky before splashing into the River of Life. He emerged from the water just south of Rainbow Bridge, which he warily crossed. Having siblings already there makes the transition easier, but it still takes a brave to begin life anew in a strange place.

JD and Wendy were the first to meet Cosmo. Passing over can be confusing, so the elder angels explained to Cosmo where he was. Having his feat confirmed and knowing he was not living with his mom was heartbreaking for the little pup, but at the Bridge, with so much beauty, good friends, and freedom from fear, it is hard to maintain sadness, and soon Cosmo began to feel joy in his heart.

Summer is an excellent time to become an angel. In the northern hemisphere, all the ways to visit a parent are available, from birds to bees, to little furry animals, and before the day was done, he was outside his mom's house, as a bird, watching his mom mourn him and waving his wings to signal he was there.

He and his siblings plan to be there every night.

And he will return to a happy care free land where sadness, worry, and pain are rare emotions.

If only parents could experience the same, there would be a lot less suffering in the world.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to Cosmo. Hugs to his mommyLove Dallas and Belle

  2. Beautiful tribute (Gail Watson and furs)

  3. That is such a beautiful tribute to Cosmo.

  4. Your stories are a comfort to all those who have lost a pet.

  5. We are so sorry to hear about precious Cosmo.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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