Thursday, November 2, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

“We don’t need to pay for a boat,” Ned said.

“I think we do,” Steven pled

But Ned was tight with a buck

And Steven was out of luck

Ned boasted he knew where there was a Bridge

And led Steven to a ridge

Before them was a long span at best called rickety

Ned took off lickety-splickly

Steven had no choice but to follow

And it was no time in fear to wallow

As Ned moved forward with no fear

While Steven wondered if the Bridge spanned hemispheres

With each step, the Bridge did sway,

And Steven didn’t think he would see his next birthday

While Ned continued without a care

Ten thousand feet in the air

Midway through, the Bridge began to creak.

And Steve began to pray like a monk during Holy Week.

The Bridge rose when it reached the other side.

And they had to climb up like a short man on his wedding night married to a tall Bride.

Ned was no longer cocksure

But having started this journey, it was Steve he wanted to assure

Ned told Steve to stay; he would make the climb

While Ned clung to the Bridge, hoping his friend had a quick turnaround time

Minutes later, Ned was climbing down

And Steve inquired why with a frown

“We have to go back, they won’t let me cross, I speak the truth

Before we crossed, we were supposed to get a ticket from the toll booth”


  1. That bridge gives our mom the Heebie-jeebies!

  2. Oh goodness, that's one of many good reasons not to go on that bridge!

  3. Steve and Ned's Great Adventure
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Wow, that was a surprise ending!! LOL!!!
    Great poetry!

  5. Great poem today. We felt we were right there on the bridge with Ned and Steven...

  6. Ned and Steve were VERY brave!

  7. That's a great poem for that picture. What a scary looking bridge that is!


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