Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Question

 Do you decorate for Christmas?

When do the decorations go up?

Do you ignore them, or are they a source of mischeif?

Ruby's Answer
My family decorated today.

I am the first dog in the family to try and chew the decorations.

That is why they hired these soldiers to guard the tree.


  1. You must be a terror, then! Good grief! 10+ soldiers!?

  2. We haven't decorated for years, but this year we have a tree. It goes up the day after Thanksgiving. I've not decorated it yet, but it's up. So far Lil' Bit doesn't care one bit about the tree.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  3. Our mom decorates but all the decorations are way above our heads so we can't reach them. This was done generations before we came along to prevent any puppy from messing with the decorations. The decorations have started going up and should be finished this week.

  4. We try to have *some* soon as petcretary can find them all in their hiding place in the closets. But we do not have a bif tree, just table top sized ones...a left over from our kittydays...who loved them too much, sometimes!

  5. we are nearly ready, because the mama thought the first advent was last weekend... we will try to kill as much as possible so the mama can buy new decoration stuff for nextr year BOL

  6. Our mom puts 3 small trees up when DST ends but only with the lights because it gets dark so early and they make her cheerful. Once the trees are decorated, I always seem to pick on one ornie to push with my nose. Mom finds the small plastic apple on the floor every single morning when she gets up☺

  7. Already decorated! Already, yes ... cause it's the season to be bright and merry and we want it to last as long as PAWsible! All high up and away from little paws, wet noses and wagging tails ...

  8. ruby….why iz it that knot onlee iz ewe gorgeouz, but ewe look like
    ewe iz up two miss chiff …. over at cuzin daiz’ houz…herz been chewin
    on de christmas πŸŽ„ πŸ˜ΊπŸ™€πŸŸπŸ’™

  9. We haven't decorated yet as Lady and Man have to get the wood stacked. We tend to ignore them, although we are stressed when they first come out.

  10. Our decorations went up last weekend...we mostly ignore them.

    We think you could prpbably take those soldiers....but call us if you need help!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Our miniature Dachshund Mauzie used to chew on some ornaments and for safety we quit decorating any tree. Living with as much as 8 kitties over the past years and still 4 left after Dido boy's passing yesterday, no decorations for us at all. Christmas is not about that...


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