Friday, November 3, 2023

Ruby Rose's Friday Fill-Ins


Hello friends –The fun hope has given me some full in the blank sentences so you can get  to know me better.   I hope you are enlightened.

My respsonses are in Ruby Red !!


1. My November to -do list includes walking over here, walking over there, peeing over here, pooping over there, then eat and sleep everywhere.
2. I was busy doing in pre dog school studying my parents so I can be a better dog 20 years ago.
3. Putting up with my overly emotional, drama queen parents is a challenge I often face.
4. I’m proud to say that I overcame non-opposable thumbs so I could type my responses like a full thumbed biped. 


  1. Drama queen pawrents...hahaha, Ruby!

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. #1 was funny. :)

  3. Our to-do list is much like yours is Ruby Rose. We enjoyed reading your fill-ins.

  4. Ruby Rose you are a funny girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. I'm proud of that accomplishment. Me, I still depend on Mom.


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