Sunday, November 26, 2023

Foley Monster's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Elvis Has Left the Farm

 May be an image of dog

It seemed like a new year, with a bright, sparkly morning full of possibilities.


When we were young, we thought our youth would last forever.


But, for me and my friends, like Josie, it is winter, and we live beyond the brilliant sunset. Josie had left her mom in the paws of three young males, Called the Boys collectively and Moo, Huck, and Elvis singularly; we were kept abreast of their lives from the litter.


They brought their own New Day with a long life ahead of them.


But now their song is ending: First Moo, from brain cancers, and this week, after three weeks of liver failure, Elvis left the farm.


 When I got a text on my I-Paw that Elvis was coming, I immediately thought about the day he and his brothers were born, brown and white little dumplings of love. At first, as all dogs are, they were supposed to be separated, but fate had other plans: The boys stayed together on the farm, ran rampant, got in constant trouble, and whose antics made us laugh with delight. 


People wonder why dogs don’t live as long as humans. Dogs live longer than humans; we just do it at a supersonic speed to fit 80 years of fun into eight years. The boys, Elvis, Moo, and Huck, lived life faster than most dogs, which sadly gave their humans less time to enjoy them.


When Moo crossed over from brain cancer, he ran past me, past his sister Sophie, and for a mile into the hills before he came back, kissing everyone and chasing bunnies.


Elvis’ arrival was equally energetic. He began barking in triumph as he crossed the bridge and kept it up going up the stairs. His tail wagged, cutting his paws out of anyone standing near him.


Then he saw Moo, and they ran to one another so quickly they set the grass under them on fire. Sophie told me to lie down. This would take a while.


After two hours, I wrote the oath on a bone, threw it at Elvis, and ate it. I guess that’s legal.


Back on the mortal side, Huck has taken on the job of making his mom smile. He is no longer a boy but still raises smiles like he was a puppy.


We watched the boys grow up to become men in the blink of an eye, then they became seniors, and with the blink of another eye, they were gone.


The mortal side is a little less fun now that Elvis has left the farm.

If you are in the mid-west this winter and hear thunder snow, that is just Huck and Elvis, still running towards eternity.


  1. Angel Elvis will keep the other Angels on their toes, in a good way of course.

  2. That was a lovely tribute to Elvis. I was going to say that as I read and hear all others agree with me.

  3. Thank you for the beautiful tribute toy crazy boy. I am hoping that Elvis and Moo stay out of trouble at The Bridge. I really doubt they will 🙃


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