Friday, February 23, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: From Hershey to - An Angel's journey


When Hershey visited the Bridge 23 months ago, I planned a big bash to welcome my friend. But, upon her arrival, after being reunited with Kaci and Bosco, who preceded her to the Bridge, and my giving her the angel’s oath, Hershey stated she didn’t want any fuss or even a story describing her arrival. A modest dog, Hershey was content going about her business as an angel in anonymity.

Hershey worked diligently to find her replacement. When she met Nestle, she knew she had found the right dog. Her name alone signaled that she belonged in her mom’s group.

Nestle fulfilled the potential that Hershey had seen in her and quickly became a beloved member of the pack, helping her mom adjust to the pain she took on from Hershey when she passed.

Like her, Hershey had assumed that Nestle would be joyful, living a quiet life. She had not counted on Nestle discovering Hershey’s former life as an online superstar.

One day, when left alone, curious, and full of energy, Nestle decided to check out the rectangular screen and keyboard appeal that took up so much of her mom’s attention.

Nestle is an intelligent dog and quickly learned her mom’s password and how to work on the computer. She saw an icon for a group in her mom’s favorites and curiously opened it.

She was stunned and excited about what she found: a site with a page devoted to Hershey, Nestle’s current sibling, Jessy, and the other angels in their pack. “What is this?: Nestle howled, taking exception to her name not being listed as part of Hershey’s pack.

“Ask Hershey,” Jessy answered.

So that nig ht in her dreams, Nestle asked for a parlay with the dog she brought into her pack.

Hershey was surprised that Nestle, who seemed content to be a quiet, loving house dog, was interested in the I Am social media site. Nestle said she was excited to meet new friends and have her presence known everywhere.

Hershey visited her mom in her dreams and told her it was time to introduce Nestle to the world, which she did. She was warmly welcomed and answered all inquiries about her happily and truthfully.

Seeing how Nestle took to the online world reminded Hershey of herself when she first began to share her life on the Internet.

And that is when Hershey learned Nestle was just like her, even in ways she did not anticipate, which was not surprising since their mom loved the two girls equally.


  1. So hard to lose a loved part of the family but you have a lovely solution to sadness.

  2. Hershey is such a sweet looking pup and quite appropriately named
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Such stories are from the depth of our soul and that of our pets...
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. What little lovable dog. Mom would love snuggling her.

  5. Nestle, I think you are a sweetie and good company for your mum :)
    Do tell us of your exploits!
    Purrs Winnie


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?