Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 Pup of the Week: For Brody The Pup Who Waited

            Hello Blake and Carly.  I don’t know if you remember me.  My name is Judge Foley Monster.  Back in my day I was kind of a big deal.  I have put this in my time capsule and if you are reading this it is the year 2095.  You have both had wonderful lives.  Blake, I congratulate you on being a world famous doctor credited with saving thousands of lives, and on your wonderful wife, children and grandchildren.  You have a beautiful family.  Carly I hear that you have decided to retire from the Supreme Court.  Your rulings have brought justice to so many.  And your husband, the Governor, has been wonderfully supportive of you and your three wonderful children, the youngest of which quarterbacked the Cardinals to their first Super Bowl win.
            I know that you have credited your Mom several times for guiding you towards success, and she does deserve a lot of credit.  But 80 years ago this very weekend I made a deal to keep quiet about something, sworn to silence by one of my very best friends.  80 years ago this weekend, Brody, the first of the many, many dogs you have had in your life, crossed the River of Life and came to Rainbow Bridge.
            I have never seen a dog so upset about his crossing over.  Brody had only one flaw.  He loved to eat.  Anything.  We all told him he had to stop.  He even endured two operations.  But he couldn’t stop.  And truthfully we never thought his bizarre eating habits would ever do real damage.  He could eat anything.
            But a rug did damage him.  It got stuck, it wouldn’t pass, he got an infection and it was too much for his body to take.  His Mom hated herself for doing it but knew it was the greatest gift she could give her best friend and she helped him cross over
            “Oh Foley,” he moaned when we met.  “I did it this time.  I couldn’t help myself.”
            I put my tiny paws around his fluffy neck and I hugged and licked him.  I told him it wasn’t his fault.  Soon hundreds of his angel friends were there, led by Benjamin who immediately appointed him Deputy of Fun.   Brody said he very much appreciated it but he had to watch over his family.  Ladybug quickly put on his wings and we flew to Tommy’s house.
            The dogs who had gathered there rushed to meet Brody, and he hugged them all, but he kept moving towards the TV.  He tuned in to his Mom.  She was on the Tanner Brigade chat site and Brody’s friends were trying to comfort her but it was impossible.  She was saying how sorry she was, and, while watching her, Brody was saying he was sorry too
            He stayed there until she went to sleep and then Benji convinced him to go flying looking for fun.  But as soon as he learned that you two were awake Brody went right back to Tommy’s to watch over you.  And he has done that every single day for 80 years.  After two weeks Tommy built him his own room and kept him supplied with popcorn and other treats.  While we had parties, romped in the fields, and played in the snow, Brody watched over the two of you from the moment you awoke until you were asleep.
            And, after time, Brody learned how to jump into the screen.  Carly, when you were walking home that day and a coyote chased you then darted off, that was Brody scaring him.  Blake when you first learned to drive and skidded, thinking you were going off the road it was Brody who took the wheel and kept you safe.
            He made sure that you ended up with the right loving people to spend your lives with, sometimes chasing the wrong ones off.  He was there for the births of our children, and for every hard time you have ever had.  He hid the best he could but sometimes you could see him just out of the corner of your eye.
            Your Mom was the youngest adult member of our group and when she joined us we thought our family was finally in one place but Brody said no, not until the two of you were here, and he and his Mom, gladly reunited, went to Tommy’s to watch over her children while Hattie stamped her paw in anger, not wanting to wait any longer.
            And now that you are both in your 80’s Brody still will not stop looking over you, and will not stop waiting.  But, after 80 years I thought you should know the truth.  Brody has watched over you your whole life.  Instead of running and playing as we did he has waited, waited for you to grow older, and make sure you were happy.
            And when you do come here in another 20 years or so, he will be here to greet you.

            Brody.  The dog who waited.


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