Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Question

 Can you tell when your parents are sad, or mad, and do you react to it?


  1. Pocket: I can always tell when they are sad or mad and I know I can fix it no matter how many times they tell me to settle down. I know what they need and it's a Pocket.

    River Song: I lie next to them and sleep. I am at my best when I am sleeping.

  2. we try to cheer them up... and then they are madder than mad, but at least the adrenaline level is back in balance LOL

  3. We can sure tell and we all try to cheer them up too!

  4. Our Angel Little Bit could tell our moods very well and she would comfort when needed or leave us alone if needed. She was ever so smart.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. I'm not really wired that way, Mom thinks I am a little emotionally stunted from my puppy mill beginnings, angel sister Kiki was very good at it.

    Your friend Rosie

  6. We sure can, its been a really tough year for our Mom and we all have tried to take away some of the pain. You guys are awesome, have an amazing day!

  7. It is really easy to tell when they are mad, but fortunately that doesn't happen very often. And if they are super quiet, we know they might be sad, so we lie close to their feet and be good dogs.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Yup! But I hate it when Dad gets mad at the TV and yells at it. Well, at least now football season is finally over.

  9. food gurl haz come home frum werk with flamez shootin outta her wazoo.....we haz lurned....thiz iz a BAD sign ;) ♥♥☺☺


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?