Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday Question


We know the scientific answer to this question, but we want your personal answer.  Why do you sniff butts?


  1. Pocket: I like to greet dogs, but don't want to get bit. There are no teeth in the butt.
    River: Because around back is where fudge is made.

  2. Cinnamon tells me She can tell their identity and health and what they ate. But I want to know why she sniff us cats' butts.

  3. to tell da mama that da nelly needs a cleaning, even when I smell nothing. he hates that, so I have to make sure that it happens very often LOL

  4. Checking to see how healthy the pup is.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. OMD, that pup's face is BURIED back there!
    It's our version of looking them up on Face Book. XOX Xena and Lucy

  6. hay ewe dawgz...thatz a good questshun....

    bee coz.... itz in R face ??? ☺☺☺

  7. I plead the 5th! BOL BOL BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Just checking to see if they get a better tasting kibble:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. What a crazy photo! Yeah, we sniff, but not like that!

    Rosie and Redford


Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us When Irish Red was a litt...