Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Daisy Boo Comes to Rainbow Bridge


I have learned, in my time at the Bridge, that life on the mortal side is a break-even proposition for most people. Good and bad happen in equal force, although the good times seem fleeting and the bad endless.

The Internet is a perfect example of this. Much of the hostility and discord that plagues this world are spurned by posts online. Sometimes, observing the conflict, I wish that the web had never been invented, but then I remember its most significant attribute: Meeting souls I would never have without it.

One of those dogs, Daisy Boo Jones, a sweet, goofy friend of mine who crossed the Bridge this week, was from Australia. A New England Yorkie should never have befriended a Melbourne Lab, but we were both better off for it.

We only shared four years of friendship before I went to the Bridge, but I enjoyed his stories of being the alpha dog, the boss of his brother and sisters, and various fosters. He ruled his family through patience and kindness, two attributes usually not associated with his breed, but Daisy Boo was made of outstanding stock.

I was an ill-tempered, impatient Yorkie who ruled through rough nips and sarcasm. I wished I could have been more of a benevolent ruler like Daisy, but I was not born that way.

I know our other friends, who are not blessed with Daisy's attributes, wished they could be more like her, but as her mom will tell anyone who listens, she was a special dog.

That is why such a large crowd gathered at Hobo's Landing to watch Daisy crossing the Bridge, with all the energy and vigor she had shown as a pup, then regally sitting as Enzo's escalator lifted her above the clouds where we all waited for her.

The angels cheered as Daisy approached, recognizing the remarkable life and the unmatched devotion she showed her parents. Her welcoming feast was one of the most festive I could remember. Daisy greeted everyone graciously, but there was a hint of impatience in her tone, and I knew she was eager to begin her ghost visits.

People need strong angels now more than ever before, and even though Daisy gave her parents a lifetime of love, she knew there was more she could do in the spirit realm to protect her family and siblings in a way they would not recognize nor understand.

Daisy is still close by her parent's side, unable to be seen because humans haven't developed the sense. But, believing she is there is called faith, and even now, her parents can't lose it in the most challenging time. Daisy lived to make them happy, and she still does, even when it is most difficult.


  1. that's super good to be there to bring happiness to the peeps we love...

  2. The human race has received blow after blow after blow, with the pandemic, societal unrest and political upheavals, global weather and pollution issues, and supply-chain access with the loss of receiving proper health care, food and daily needs. Our furry friends are more important than ever.
    Purrs and hugs to Angel Daisy and her family on Earth.

  3. foley; we are sorry to learn of your friend Daisy; send hugs to her people. As with all of your bridge stories, this one is awesome ♥♥♥

  4. Run free, Daisy Boo. You will be missed.


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