Saturday, July 9, 2022

Introducing Ruby Rose




Please allow me to introduce myself, mobsters. My name Ruby Rose, and I were selected, after a long interview process by Foley, Pocket and River, the Big Little Angels 3, I was selected to become the  next member of the Small Tails Group by River Song. I came from the same puppy home that she did, and at the same age. I have been tasked with fixing their shattered psyches, which I thought would take time, but just by walking in the door, I put them 50 percent back together.

I have hit the jackpot with these people. All I have to do is look at them and they smile. I will be back tomorrow, with the story of my arrival. I am looking forward to reading your blogs and commenting on them

I hope I prove to be a worthy successor and to uphold the Small Tales name


  1. Nice to meet you Ruby Rose! You certainly look serious about your business of fixing broken hearts! We look forward to hearing more from you.

  2. We are so excited for you Ruby Rose and we are so looking forward to your adventures!

  3. Hi Ruby Rose! You are such a cutie. We can't wait to learn more about you.

  4. Hi new friend, Ojo here! Welcome! We are so happy you are here! We are sure your people are even happier! Oh what a good home you've found!!

  5. Ruby Rose....your name is beautiful and so are you. You know, you have some really big paws to fill but I know you can do it. Hope you got to meet Amber and Max up there while you were interviewing. Can't wait to hear more about you! :)

  6. Ruby Rose! Yeah! We are so happy you have found the purrfect forever home! We can’t wait to get to know you. We hope you and your Peeps are having a fabulishious weekend. Purrs Marv

  7. What a cute little face Ruby Rose has. I'm just now catching up on things and wanted to pass on my condolences on the loss of your sweet River Song. I also wanted to thank you for your kind words on the loss of our dear old Cleopatra.

  8. Welcome Ruby Rose! I can't wait to hear/see more about you!

  9. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh Ruby Rose you have me wrapped around your sweet paws too. What beautiful eyes..and I too an sure you are healing hearts
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. "Thank you for nice information
    Please visit our website unimuda and uhamka"

  11. oh em dawg ruby, we snuck outta de houz, stole a car, drived to de ************* wear we hi jacketed a pea sea, ta see if ewe had arrived yet and HOW GORGOEUZ IZ EWE !!! welcome home anda most happee gotcha day witha well come ta blog land !!!♥♥♥ now we gotta sneak bak home ~~~ BYE !!!

  12. Hi and welcome to Ruby Rose. What a pretty name. Gail and I can't wait to find out more about you.

  13. Welcome Ruby Rose ! We can tell you will be a worthy successor to The Ones Who Came Before !

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Welcome, Ruby Rose! You are the sweetest little pup!! You are doing a great job of healing your peeps' broken have already seen their smiles!

    Woofs and wags and wiggles from Dalton & Benji

  16. A new rose is growing in the garden ~

  17. Welcome Ruby Rose!!! I can't tell you how happy I am that you are here and healing hearts!! Looking forward to reading your story! Sending a kiss to that adorable nose of yours.

  18. Empress Ruby Rose?
    Queen Ruby?
    Household Leader Ruby?
    Welcome, little one!

  19. You go, girl! Wait, no, don't really leave! We just meant, you da boss! (probably literally). It's so nice to meet you and we all look forward to learning more about you (and getting in your business). XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley

  20. Welcome to the blogosphere, Ruby Rose! We look forward to getting to know you!

  21. We are so glad to meet you. You're exactly what your pawents needed to keep them in line. We look forward to many adventures.


The Ruby Rose Report: The Lost Hour

  On Saturday night, I was happily sleeping in my bed when I got up to get a drink. The next thing I knew, I found myself on the kitchen flo...