Friday, July 22, 2022

Nature Friday

 Hosted by the LLB blog


We have a lot of gardens on out little spit of land. After Foley passed a garden was named after her. Now that we have three angels they each have their own garden.


The River Song Garden


The Pocket Garden

The Foley Garden

I asked Mommy when I could get a garden and she said not for a long time.

What did she mean by that?


  1. Those gardens are lovely and a living memorial to your angel sisfurs, Ruby Rose...but we are glad there isn't one there for you as yet...and hopefully not for many years. You are The Rose!!

  2. Let's put it this way, R.R., you have a choice between your own garden and living on earth with a loving mom and dad. We voted, and it is decided that your garden can wait at least 87 years. XOX Xena Lucy and Chia

  3. Of course there is no harm in doing a little digging to stake a claim...

  4. Lovely gardens, but Ruby, we hope your version is a long way off.

  5. Ruby Rose listen to mom she knows BEST!!!
    All of the angel gardens are perfect
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. What beautiful Angel Gardens....We totally agree with everyone, you should help tend the Angel gardens you have and wait a good long while before even thinking about your own garden!


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