Friday, July 29, 2022

Nature Friday


 Hosted by The LLB Gang


For years we had a beautiful Forsythia shrub in our backyard. Then one fall morning, my parents woke up, and the bush was gone, cut down to the trunk.

We live in a 55-and-older facility, where we own the house but rent the land. The owners have the right to step in if a yard is not kept correctly, but if you have been a long-time reader, you know our parents take meticulous care of our yard.

My dad marched to the office to confront the inept property manager Penelope Fudgebottom. When he arrived, he saw the bush tied to the back of a truck. He entered the office where Penelope was having a conversation with the handyman Yosemite Ignatio  Daddy demanded to know why the bush was cut down. Penelope immediately began hemming and hawking like Ralph Kramden.

"It's more better for your," Yosemite Ignatio.

"It's not more better," Daddy snapped back. He demanded Penelope's explanation of why it was cut down, and she answered that she wanted everything flat, whatever that meant. When he pressed her, she threw Yosemite Ignatio under the shrub dragging truck by saying it was an accident.

"You never make a mistake?" Yosemite Ignatio asked Daddy, who had to fight the urge to punch him in the face.

Penelope Fugebottom said she would buy a new shrub, but Daddy told her not to, having seen the cheap vegetation she had planted elsewhere.

Daddy called the management office in Virginia and asked to talk to the General Manager I.C. Nothing or his assistant I No Nothing. The secretary Due Nothing would not connect the call, or give out the Nothing's email, so Daddy wrote a letter, but true to form, he heard Nothing.

When spring came, the unsightly stump stuck out like a sore thumb. Daddy contacted stump removal companies, but they were not cost-effective. That is when Daddy found a solution. A hefty $40.00 plastic rock from Amazon.

Daddy bought the rock, put it over the stump, staked it in., and planted Hosta around it.

This was the result.


So, take my advice; get a big fake rock when all else fails.


  1. Court might have been the way to go with that one, but it seems that the imbeciles (ie the managers, etc), wouldn't be worth the hassle. Glad your rock is steadfast.

  2. Who knew you could buy fake big rocks on Amazon!

  3. Gee, we have a lot of the same kind of property "management" people here in our townhouse/condo complex. :-/ But we had no idea you could buy a fake rock from Amazon! LOL. Is there anything you can't get from Amazon? ;-)

  4. Dang, that manager should probably have been put under the rock!

  5. Well done to your Dad. The rock and hostas are a just perfect.. Penelope Fudgebottom HILARIOUS.I guess that happens when one eats too much fudge.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Yeh - any more cemeteries want "everything flat" too - much easier to mow and when anything else starts to come up they can mow right over it. Good for your Dad !

  7. Something has demolished a few of my plants; it was either the groundhog, or The Hubby ran them down with the lawnmower.

  8. WOW...this is so not right! Maybe your Daddy should have bought another shrub and given the bill to Ms. Fudgebottom or take the cost off the land rent. LOL
    I remember when we lived in Michigan, we had a beautiful Forsythia bush along with 5 huge lilac trees, and a couple of French Lilac bushes. I sure do miss them. None of these will survive in Florida.

  9. Wow. I hope it was a mistake that it was pulled out. Wanting everything "flat?" That is beyond bizarre and beyond knowing anything about the environment.

  10. Wow.....Our Daddy would have done the same thing.

    Daddy's are pretty smart, aren't they??


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