Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Arrival


I don't know how many of you have been on a plane, but I suggest you avoid it. It is loud, crowded, and if I am not mistaken, for at least part of the journey, you are flying above the birds, which should make one feel free, but was quite confining and unusually loud.

I was glad when we were on the ground in Philadelphia. My limo driving companion Peg said we had to hurry to make our connecting flight. Another one? What is it with these people and flying?

We ran through the terminal (well, she ran, I stayed in my little carrier and was jostled more than on the plane.) We arrived just in time to see our plane leave without us. "Oh well," I thought. "We gave it our best shot; we should go home." But, Peg wouldn't be paid unless I was delivered, so she reserved a seat on the next flight in three hours, which is a day and a half in dog time.

Peg took me out, gave me some water, a rubbing, and told me I was a good girl. I wish I could have reciprocated the sentiment, but I was too busy looking around, catching all the sights and smells.

I remembered what my dad, the Maestro, told me. When all is dark, you're scared, and you wish you were somewhere else, sleep, and when you wake up, things will be better.

In three hours we boarded another plane. Thankfully this wasn't for as long a time as the previous one, and Peg told me that the next stop was my forever home. I hadn't realized I was living in a temporary home, but given how life works, every home is temporary on the mortal side.

The sound of the plane put me to sleep, and River visited me. She showed me my anxious soon-to-be parents, who were worried about meeting me. They were seated next to a guy violating a restraining order, who planned to pick up his kids when they arrived and was placed under arrest next to Mommy. What kind of crazy place was I going to?  

My parents had left their home five hours earlier, thinking I would make the connection, and had been waiting ever since. I was moved by their devotion and worried I could be snatched by one of the kidnappers the airport was lousy with.

The plane landed, and the butterflies started in my tummy. I was brought out of the carrier and held as we walked through the terminal. Then I went down an escalator like Donald Trump and saw my parents stand, and then smile, like the weight of the world had been lifted from them, and I knew I had found the people I had been meant to be with since I was born.

I snuggled into my mom's arms and felt more love than I had ever experienced. I said goodbye to Peg and thanked her for bringing me to my forever home.

Then we got in the car and headed towards my new life.

I was anxious to see what was in store for me.


  1. That's a great service that Peg provided. It must have made your trip a whole lot less scary. We really want to hear the next installment but we already know for sure that your forever home is a dream come true.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. I do hope you get to avoid plane rides from now on Ruby Rose and just plain enjoy your new life!

  3. Wow, what an arduous journey!
    Glad you made it...
    and now you are loved beyond measure,
    and will give your peeps much pleasure!

  4. WOW...what a journey you had. But now you're safe and loved to the moon and back.


  6. I went on a plane when I wuz a lil puppy too!

  7. Peg is wonderful! Rosie, I Marv, spent 40 hours travelling from Tehran, Iran to Vancouver BC. And I have travelled from Vancouver to Midway a dozen times (it is a 7 hour car trip). I hope to NEVER EVER see the interior of my PTU ever again! You are a beautiful dog! I shall make sure that I make your pawtrait too! I hope you and your new Peeps have a marvellously happy time. Purrs Marv.

  8. So pleased you finally made it safely to your perfect home Ruby.
    Gail wonders if anyone this summer has been on a flight that has NOT been delayed?

  9. we hope that store is full with wonderful things.... like the junk store of the mama... or wait... like two of that junk stores... or 87...

  10. GOOD MORNING! I LOVED hearing from you this morning! And I agree with you. I haven't ever flown but mommy has...and she doesn't miss it. She'd hate to nowadays.

  11. Good gravy, Ruby! This reads like a script from an old Laurel and Hardy movie.
    I like The Maestro's tip to sleep when things are weird.

  12. Ruby Rose...OMDs air travel is NOT what it used to be. So many flights canceled and folks who work there in a bad mood. Thank goodness Peg was a seasoned travel companion
    YOU by the way are a very good writer
    Hugs to all

  13. Wow - that was some adventure. Looking forward to reading about your new wonderful life! I am so happy for all of you.

  14. Yay for the wonderful meeting with your new pawrents! You are going to heal their hearts and they are going to spoil you rotten. Of course, what kind of good dog companions would we be if we weren't spoiled rotten, right? XOX Xena, Lucy Chia and Riley

  15. What was (now is) waiting will be better than you could ever have imagined or dreamed of
    little Miss Ruby Rose ...


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