Friday, September 8, 2023

Foley's Tales From Rainbrow Bridge: Einstein


The angels began to arrive just as the sun rose; those who knew him, some from Doggyspace, others from agility competitions. When I arrived to give the new angel the Rainbow Bridge Oath, there were dogs for miles around Hobo's Landing. They had all come for the same reason: To welcome a champion.

It was 17 years ago when a modest Einstein joined his family in western Pennsylvania. He had a lot of energy, which outstripped his parents' efforts to keep him occupied. Watching him jump into rolled hay bales, they knew he could be an agility champion.                                                                                       It was a perfect match. Einstein loved to run and meet people, and agility allowed him to do both. His parents made friends with others who, like them, were happy to give up leisure time to drive their dog around the country for competitions. They loved their little boy, and it filled their hearts when they saw him compete like he was born to it.

There are certain athletes meant to play, like Jordan or Crosby, and Einstein was one of them. He gathered ribbons like others gathered sticks: A true champion in every sense of the word.

But that did not define who he was because there were multiple sides to him: loving brother, faithful son, and great friend to the hundreds who spent quiet time hearing of his victories on Doggyspace where many of us, who had never competed for anything more than supper, lived vicariously through him. Einstien's travels brought him to many of their homes, where he charmed his friends' parents. And there were his competition friends, who never complained when he bested them.

As he aged, Einstien slowed, his body began to break, and it took five expensive operations to keep him mobile. He slowed down, as all great athletes do, then retired to live the life of a gentleman at rest.

Einstein lived far past retirement, although arthritis robbed him of his athletic ability, as it does all us. Einstein's parents promised him when his quality of life dipped, despite the terrible pain it would cause them.

 That time came this week. His parents set Einstien free, and all the pain, worry, and sorrow he felt about leaving the mortal side and his beloved family behind were, as he breathed his last, transferred to his parents, who need prayers now. Einstein is home, free of anything wrong that can touch him, but grieving parents are always more susceptible to them.

Einstein arrived at the Bridge in a rejuvenated body that he celebrated by running, jumping, going through tunnels, and around poles. For the first time, we all got to cheer him on in person.

Then he greeted all of us, those he knew in person, online, and by reputation. He didn't leave until he had a moment with everyone. It took three days. But that's okay. He's got nothing but time.

Now he is training for a new role, to be a champion angel for his parents, to pay him back for all they gave him. There is a lot of evil and sorrow in the world, but Einstien can outmaneuver it all.

Wherever he goes, he will be a champion.


  1. what a beautiful tribute for Einstein my heart goes out to his family . Love Belle and Dallas

  2. What a beautiful tribute to a champion dog.

  3. Einstein will make the bestest Angel, it's in his blood. Prayers for his most special parents.

  4. That was such an epic tribute for Angel Einstein! Sending hugs and gentle purrs to his furmily.

  5. Einstein...what a handsome pup you were....I know your sweet face gave your peeps eons of joy...Run free now
    Hugs Cecilia


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...