Sunday, September 17, 2023

Thanks to Cousin Jan I am Somebody Now


There is so much artwork in my house I feel like I am living in a dog museum. There is artwork from many of the greatest painters of all time: a Foley painting by Elaine Kohler, a Pocket drawing by Lauren Bowman, several drawings from our good friend Connie Gross, and even more artwork from Tommy Tunes' dad.

I would look at the paintings and pictures of Foley, Pocket, and River Song and wonder why I wasn't among them.

"Many of the pieces were done after our passing," River said. "It is a high price to pay for art."

But, this week, quite unexpectedly, my parents were graced with a painting of me. I was up on the wall and didn't even have to pack a bag or make a trip.

The day the picture arrived did not start out promising. I had to go to the vet for a shot. They did it right in the parking lot like I was a prostitute getting a VD shot but not clean enough to go into the clinic.

My mom rarely goes out, but when we got home, just as I got over the butt hurt caused by the hasty shot, my parents announced they were leaving me behind at supper time. Now, I needed a shot.

They ate with Daddy's cousin Jan and her husband Mike. They came home smelling like good food, drink, and company, with not even a doggy bag for me; although they did bring home some short rib mac and cheese, I was told it wasn't good for me.

Is there anything yummy good for me?

My cantankerous mood matched my face, but that changed when they showed me the painting Jan had done. It was of me. I was barkless. My frown turned upside down to an entirely new frown.

She said when she saw the picture of me on which the painting is based, she had to paint it. I have that inspiration for people. What can I say? I am the baby boss of muses.

Now, my portrait has been hung on the wall next to Foley, Pocket, and River. They are aligned over the altar my parents worship, a 72-inch wide-screen TV.

Hey, they're crass, but I love them.

So thank you, cousin Jan, for making me feel equal to my ancestors.

I am somebody now.


  1. I’ve had a few paintings done, and I treasure them just as much as I’m sure your pawrents treasure all of theirs! I think that is a very fine addition to their collection!

    1. And I’m going to totally use this idea for a post when I need some inspiration! Thank you

  2. that is just wonderful... and now you have your own louvre at home ;O)

  3. Well Ruby, we never doubted that you were somebody, but I guess it's nice to have it confirmed with such a beautiful painting.
    PS Gail laughed out loud at you comment about being getting your shot in the vet's parking lot.

  4. It's so wonderful to see your portrait hanging on the wall in its very special spot along with the others, Ruby!

  5. We can't believe your parents would abandon you right after the indignity of getting a parking lot shot, but they redeemed themselves with Jan's lovely portrait of you, Ruby Rose.

  6. Ruby Rose you have a proper place on the wall of fame....
    OMDs you had a shot while sitting in your car. I hope you don't associate the car with pokes.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. thatz one total lee awesum painting ruby! 984 pawz UP to Jan. way kewl~~~~~and a quik pee ezz…..we iz on free data….ewe haz all wayz been sum bodeee….two uz, blogland and yur pawrentz ❤️❤️‼️🐟

  8. Hooray for you Ruby Rose, you made the Wall of Fame!

  9. Wonderful Ruby Rose great picture you get to admire it while you live the others came after they went to the bridge. So adorable. Belle and Dallad


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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