Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday question

All our parents know that prices of things in the pet world are crazy espenaicw but what do you think is the biggest rip off in the pet world?

Ruby's answer:

Prescritpion food. 
There is nothing in it to make it twice as expensive as your already overpriced premiium food, but the vet says you need it, so our parents are buying it.
What a racket. 


  1. They know you have no choice. It is insane how we are overcharged for so much. Lee and Phod

  2. We agree and fortunately we aren't on any prescription food, but our regular food is very pricey too.

  3. Ruby, our Celestial Chuck was supposed to be on prescription food, but I searched and researched, and found a limited ingredient food that was less expensive and was something that he'd actually eat, so I've been in smug mode about prescription food ever since.
    Note: veterinarians are not given much training in food; am told they get a 1/2 day class in it. So, the vendors are telling the vets about how good the food is, but is it?

  4. ruby…pet insurance….sure itz a grate thing for sum…but we
    haz known two manee peepul who getted hozed πŸ™€πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜Ό
    just set up a small savinz a count on yur own for a …just in case..
    moe mint

  5. I just came from Xena's blog...there I read the price of drawing blood has doubled. The vet practice manager said it was because of so many poorly behaved dogs. Rather than charge more for them they are charging all patients double. That doesn't seem fair to me.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Most everything is too expensive but pet medications are way out there.

  7. We eat pricy food too! and our monthly heartworm/flea pills are crazy expensive! But we pay Mom back by being extra cute!!

    Rosie and Redford

  8. When angel Maggie had kidney disease, the vet wanted to put her on prescription food. Everybuddy said that she would stop eating in pretty quickly so mom started cooking for her and she lived 2 years longer.


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