Friday, September 29, 2023

Kolchak the Night Star


Kolchak Puggle

Kolchak, the Night Stalker, slowly ate dinner with his Mother, Jodi. There was something unsaid between them.

Kolchak and his mom were more partners than a dog and Mom. We first met him and his brother Felix on Doggyspace, where they posted fun blogs and comments. They were the food experts in the group. Mother Jodi guided my parents through Pocket's tummy troubles and suggested Blue Basics, which Mom's dogs have eaten ever since.

Being with Kol and his mom back then was like being a high school teammate of Michael Jordan; they were destined for better things, and soon it was bye-bye Doggyspace: They were airborne.

First came the blog Kolchak's Kitchen, where he posted his recipes, but that was only the beginning, and within a short time, Kol's Notes was born, a dog lifestyle page with informed blogs, advice, and products. (I wanted to call it Poop.)

Felix went to the Bridge to set up a lifestyle spot for angels, which I often frequent. Meanwhile, Kol stayed on the mortal side, spending 16 years as his mom's muse, happiness, and, at times, reason for living.

But that night, they both knew it was time for Kol to leave. He had been borrowing heartbeats for years. The only thing that kept him on the mortal side was not knowing how to say goodbye.

It was his mom who, despite a breaking heart, told Kol it was okay if he went. He nodded and, after dinner, went to his room to pack his bag. He hid it behind the couch and climbed into bed with his mom until she was asleep.

He then stood on four legs, kissed her, and gently jumped out of bed. He left behind his toys, collar, and leash; all he needed was his soul and the love she gave him. With a breaking heart, he stole away through her window.

As he slowly floated down his walkway into the road, the feral animals lined the street in tribute to Kol. The ghosts at the river, who had resued to cross over, nodded sadly at him as he passed and cursed the rain.

Kol floated on the river, which led to the Pacific, and then the River of Life, which carried him to the Bridge. He slowly crossed it, went up the stairs, and stopped on Hobo's Landing, greeted by thousands of dogs he had touched in his life, led by his brother Felix.

I have heard that you stay alive on the mortal side for as long as you are remembered.

I think Kol touched so many lives; he will be immortal on both sides of the Bridge.

Kol is home now, young and free. At the same time, Mother Jodi's home is empty, without Kol's constant heartbeat, mischievous soul, and insurmountable spirit, proving the most challenging thing about transitioning is being the survivor.

The house, the land, and the entire mortal side are lessened now by Kol's absence.

But in the sky, his star shines brightly, pointing to what out of grief and into new love.

Kol's Notes is now Kol's star.

But, to me, he always was.


  1. That's the sweetest memorial to a very special Angel pup.

  2. What a lovely tribute to Kol. We're sure his brother Felix was happy to see him.

  3. Ruby Rose what a beautiful tribute to Kol. He was a joyful boy and companion...may his star will always shine brightly
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Kol was a very special pup who will always be remembered in Blogville. Run young and free again and say HI to Amber and Max for me. ♥♥♥

  5. It's hard to imagine your life without him in it. He has always been there and we just thought he would always be there, but now he is there in spirit. So very sorry for your loss, but you two lived the best life together and you can't ask for more.


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