Thursday, September 21, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

 “What the hell is that?” 

The cat asked the rat

Who responded “I think it is a tick, most fat”

Let’s move along so we don’t become breakfast.”

“I think its a giant football,” the cat did say

Do you see how the laces go thisand that way?”

The rat didn’t want a melee

But that was too big for even a giant to use for play

The cat remarked it could be cow dung

But why were their stairs the rat asked in a sharp tongue

He said perhaps it is a smoker’s lung

It definitely did not belong to someone young

“Perhaps it is the Big Rock Candy Mountain,” the cat pontificated

Which made the rat frustrated

Everyone knew there were lemonade springs and crystal fountains Mountain affiliated

And the thought of lemonade on dung mountain made him nauseated 

The cat wondered if it was a very big mole

And the rat told her not to be an a-hole

Moles only grows on the bodies of those who have souls

Like the one on Beyonce Knowles

The cat said: “We should go to the top on a shuttle bus”

The rat said that was something she didn’t want to discuss

She didn’t want to get to the top and have it erupt in pus

And she would never be allowed inside Charlotte Russe

Suddenly it erupted spilling out a dark sludge

The cat gave the rat a nudge

But before the danger they could judge

The were covered in the chocolate volcano’s big dark fudge


  1. A range of interesting possibilities there...

  2. a smokers lung lol... but yes... that can be ..

  3. We love your poem. Our first thought at seeing that picture was that it was a giant football! BOL!

  4. Wonderful! (personally looking at those stairs gives me anxiety)

  5. That was excellent...I probably could not get past the first landing.
    A couple of years ago we went to the Mile High Swinging Bridge in the NC mountains. I might have tired to walk across once but once over there you had to walk back No thanks
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Your poem is so creative and totally brings a smile to my face!


Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...