Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day Question of the Week

 Who is the first pup your parents remember going to the Bridge?

Prompts: dog with angel wings, in the church, saint, traditional art, 4k -  made with PicSo app : r/aiArt

for Mom, her brother's dog Smokey lived his entire life on table scraps.

For Dad, it was his sister's dog, Alice. He doesn't remember a lot about her but remembers when she left.


  1. Mom remembers her first dog Murphy, a Saint Bernard. She was such a sweet girl♥

  2. Fluffy - Mom's family Schnauzer - she was an awesome dog - such a sweet soul!


  3. de food servizz gurlz …gran pawrentz …german shepherd dawg…fang…
    he waz de awesumest pup 💙💚💚

  4. Lady's first pet to go to the bridge was one of her fish - she can't remember which was first Peony or Carrot. Her first fussy pet was a dog called KC. Lee and Phod

  5. Our Angel Little Bit. Hubby and I loved her so.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  6. For our mom it was the family's dog Tippy that went to the Bridge when our mom was about 13.

  7. For Mom, it was Bootsie. She was only 5 or 6 years old, but she remembers that he got hit by a car back in the days when there were no leash laws. He was with her brother at the park. and on the way home he ran across the street and got hit by someone who stopped, got out of his car, looked, and then drove away. It was very sad. Not the man's fault but he still could have helped her brother.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. My first pup was Bozo and I was just 10 when he died at only 2.


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?