Friday, May 3, 2024

Foley's Tails from Rainbow Bridge: The Dog Who fell out the Window

 Florida animal welfare bill would ban dogs from sticking ...

On Friday mornings my Dad is always late for work. He is assigned to work in Fall River that day, and no matter how early he leaves, or how optimistic Waze is, he is always late. (The reason Lizzie Borden took an axe to her parents: Traffic. In the past month, he has been impeded by a sewer main break, a washed-out road, and a family of turkeys in the street. Why did the turkey cross the road? To make my Dad late for work. (At least according to him. Men think everything, even lazy birds, is because of them.)

Because the fates are so determined to keep my Dad from being punctual, and his solution was to drive faster, he needed an angel on his shoulder, and I volunteered.

He was driving down the road, sandwiched between to cars, when suddenly a little whiter Terrier mix jumped out of the leading car’s back driver’s window. He landed on his side, scared, and probably in pain, and began to run down the street as distracted drives hurried to their destinations.

Daddy stopped the car in the middle of the street, with his engine running, jumped out of the car, and began to stop traffic, until the little dog decided to run into a yard.

I needed to perform Emergency Angel Services. I flew towards the little dog. His mom, driving the car, realized her dog was no longer in the back seat and turned around. She drove back to where the initial fall happened and began to call the dog’s name. Daddy told her the dog was too scared to respond, and the best thing for her to do was drive past the house where the dog was hiding, then come back and calmly call her baby.

I went to the scared dog and made things worse, forgetting that the last thing any soul who has had a life-threatening experience wants to see is an angel. I assured her I was an angel of yip, not death, but she was scared and confused. The most I could tell her was to stay still.

Her mom and my dad slowly walked up the driveway, until I whispered in his ear that he was scaring the dog, so he backed off. Soon, the dog forgave his mom and went back into her arms.

The woman remarked it was scary.

Daddy suggested the dog should go to the vet but didn’t think the woman would listen.

I told the dog if I needed to say my name three times I would be there, but she hasn’t. I hope that means as is well’

Please humans restrain your dog,

You will thank me later


  1. What a way to start the day - end the week -

    I'm free in my KhrossTrek - but the doors are locked - and the windows do not go lowered enough for me to fit thru -


  2. That pup was lucky your dad reacted so quickly to help her find her way back to her mom. Of course there was an angel to help too.

  3. Dang, that lady, you really can't fix stupid.

  4. Foley to the rescue again!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?