Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Question

 How many primary care vets have your parents taken thier pets to?

How long have they been with their present vet?

How often should you schedule vet appointments for your dog? - A happy dog at the vet

My parents had been to seven different before they found one they liked.

They have been with this vet for four years


  1. All of mom's pets have seen 2 vets - both in the same office as one retired but then came back part time. I will see the same vet for my entire life - at least, that's the plan. We love our small town vets!

  2. Mom had tried various vets for the previous woofies here - when I moved in - THREE YEARS AGO this week - she asked the neighbors about the practice that is a mile or so from here - one we pass each time we go to Dawn's - and they gave it a tail and paws up -
    so that is where I go - I love to go - and I love the attention of all there - but there is NO DOING ANYTHING TO ME without doing the 'sedated exam' thingie for me -

    PeeEssWoo: You are so correct about learnin' to be birds - Lord and Lady PF will be doing that once the kidsssss try the FLYING thing - lots of lessons to come!

  3. startin with de bull dawg and up two me, mackerull….same
    vet office for 40 yeerz….de butcher….waz act shoo a lee ..hiz furst patient πŸΆπŸΆπŸ’™ and de new gal reel lee likez catz ‼️😺

  4. This one is tricky for us. The pawrents have moved a few times with Sunny and I and the angels before us, they have gotten lucky and found Vets they liked on usually the first(or in California, the second) visits.

  5. The peeps have lived in a few different states, but since they have lived her (1999), they have used two different clinics. One for over 20 years until the whole Misty fiasco happened. Then her favorite vet there bought his own practice and we moved to that one. Mom and we all love Dr. B.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Our parents have gone to the same practice since moving to this house 34 years ago. For most of that time we had the same vet, but she retired a few years ago so we've had a couple other vets from that practice. Since the pandemic and the shortages of personnel at our regular practice we've used an at home vet and really like the vet we've been seeing from there. It's more expensive but we pups are more relaxed and we can get appointments when we need them instead of waiting weeks at our regular practice.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?