Thursday, May 23, 2024

Poetry Thursday


It is a new segmant of Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton in pictures….here is the photoi followed by my poem. 

Who can take bananas?

Pile them on a board

Put it on his head and take a ride around town?

The Banana Man can

Oh, the Banana Man can

The Banana Man can cause he's got a flathead

And an excellent sense of balance

The Banana Man picks them personally 

Juicy, tasty, and delicious

Buy three and you can get a fourth for free

You can even eat the peels

Who can take the best of the bunch

Dip it in chocolate fudge

Create a perfect split for all your friends to judge

The Banana Man can

Oh the Banana Man can

The Banana Man can because he owns all the trees

Eliminated competition, and created a monopoly.

The Banana Man tastes everything he picks

To make sure it's delicious

Glues the peel back on and wishes

His COVID is no longer contagious 

And if he be so unfortunate

To get into a crash

He will gather the scattered fruit and make a delicious mash. 

The Banana Man can

The Banana Man can

The Banana Man can cause he shoots them full of Cannabis

And makes your life blissful


  1. Love your poem! We were singing along and laughing at the same time☺

  2. That's a great poem and song for the Banana Man!

  3. Nice poem! Furry talented paws!

    Minimal bananas here - so it would be YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAS - WE HAVE NOT BANANAS TODAY!


  4. Lol, very cute! And now the song is stuck in my head!

    Thank you again for your words of comfort last week.

  5. I saw bread you saw bananas....With a little Mayo you and I could make a banana sandwich.
    Hugs Cecilia


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?