Friday, May 31, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Oscar. the Dog Who won't be Fooled again


Oscar had loved a human, but that person didn't love him back, and every time he tried to show his love he was punished. He tried licking and was told to stop, he tried snuggling and was told to get down, he dropped a ball at the human's foot and it would get kicked away. When he persisted his human became violent, and the anger and frustration at life was released on the only thing that truly loved him: Oscar. Finally, the human decided to rid himself of what they thought was the cause of all their problems: That damn dog 

Oscar was dumped at a shelter with a broken heart. He didn't know what would happen to him over the rest of his life, but he knew he would never trust another human.

And he didn't. When they touched him he growled and had to be muzzled during examination. He hid in the back of his enclosure, not running to the front when a person came by. Frankly, Oscar thought it was pathetic.

A woman would come by and ask about him, standing near the cage, watching him. She told him Oscar wasn't ready to be adopted. When he has been in the shelter so long, and considered a failure there was talk of sending him to the Bridge. When the woman heard she said she would take Oscar. At least she was saving them the cost of destroying the body.

Oscar had his section of the house where his blanket was, and he only left to go into the bathroom where his pee pads were. The woman who had brought him home never asked for more than Oscar could give.

He started out growling at her and then segued into merely ignoring her, even when fed. She would let the food sit until she had gone away then eat it.

She had heard about the love between dogs and humans, but it wasn't true, and Oscar wouldn't be fooled again.

But slowly, over weeks, Oscar grew accustomed to her. He inched up when she came near, but recoiled when she tried to touch. She softly told him it was okay and retreated.

It is hard to determine what Oscar thought on Mother's Day, maybe it was time to heal his wounds, or Oscar decided to take another leap of faith and trust a human.

The woman was on the couch. Oscar stood and slowly walked to her.

She didn't want to move and scare him.

He got on the couch next to her, laid down, reached for her with his paw, moved her hand to his head, felt her warmth, and everything bad thing that happened to him was washed away.

He was home.

And then he looked at his Mom, with all that heaven would allow in his eyes.

And Oscar, his life renewed, forgot it all, considering that day his first. And every day of his life has been filled with joy.

And in his new mom's life too. 


  1. We are in tears reading this and we are so very happy for Oscar and his mom♥

  2. The Humans always melt when we feel that we are truly home - after not being too sure of our place in THIS world -

    Thanks for sharing this heart filled tale/tail!


  3. WHAT A horrid first human...makes my blood boil....thought he was punishing Oscar by taking him to the shelter WHEN IN FACT HE DID OSCAR A GREAT BIG FAVOR....OSCAR FOUND THE HUMAN THAT WAS MEANT TO BE HIS.
    HUGS Cecilia

  4. Such a wonderful story with such a beautiful ending. Way to go Oscar!

  5. I think Dalton needs to read this....he is still like that with his least a lot of the time. Even on occasion with me. Trust once lost is so hard to come back.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?