Thursday, May 16, 2024

Poetry Thursday

Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

Here it is, followed by my own meager effort

 Some said Kaiser Puppy was a myth

Others said he was a pug not to be messed with

If he got caught he plead the fifth.

 Then mowed down the ones who betrayed him with a sharpened scythe


To bring him down Sheriff Benjamin planted in Kaiser's organization an under cover.

A black cat who was too old for this shit and properly named Glover.

He lay under Kaiser's bed confident in the number of bad plans his would discover

And wrote down each word that was said above


Benjamin turned the information over to the police chief

 Who got a warrant from Foley to arrest Kaiser the bone thief

And lured Kaiser and his men out with a cured side of beef.

When he saw the police his hunger turned to grief.


He was patted down on the wall like a common hood

His first dad arrived and wondered what went  wrong: He used to be so good

He told his dad he had to earn a livelihood

And would have done better if he could


Kaiser knew the Judge would throw the book at him.

And he waited for his sentence to be read with a face very grim

 The Judge gave him life with the hope of parole being slim

He was headed for the hoosegow. for jail is was a synonym.


Before he could be carted off his dad asked to be heard.

But the Judge told him not to say a word.

But Kaiser's dad could not be deterred

And insisted Kaiser came home with him until the Judge concurred


When Kaiser got home with his dad he thought is was a dream

He got fed three time a day and at night ice cream

People who saw the dog and dad were unaware that things weren't as they seem

Because Kaiser and his Dad were ripping off seniors in a well planned ponzi scheme
















Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?