Sunday, May 19, 2024

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Mitch and Molly find the Duke



Despite the vast pain caused by her passing Molly adjusted to Rainbow Bridge quickly and within days had a mission she needed to complete: To find her replacement.

She told her angel brother Mitch her plan and he agreed. But, they had an important decision to make. What kind of dog, and what kind of personality?

“I think we will want a dog like the one she most recently had,” Molly said. Mitch knew his sister meant herself, which angered her older brother, because he had not been replaced when he went to Bridge, and his Mom didn’t need to be reminded of the painful recent past. He had been gone the correct amount of time for another boy like Mitch.

The two siblings could not agree, so they went to the wisest judge at Rainbow Bridge, who just happened to be me.


Honestly, they both had great reasons for wanting a dog like them. Usually,ly I would be stumped, but I had recently gone to a fascinating seminar given by Fluffy protector of the sorcerer's stone at Hogwarts who was visiting from the forbidden forest and the wizard dog taught me a portion to create a dog. When I told Mitch and Molly they were excited.

Mitch brought the best of himself, and Molly the best of herself, and I followed the directions, mixed it all, and pulled out an aardvark. 

: That’s the ugliest dog I have ever seen,” Molly observed.

I announced it was an aardvark.

“I don’t think Mommy wants an aardvark,” Mitch observed.

I had to agree. Instead of concentrating on my failings I checked with my angel friends and put out an alert that we had a mom who was dogless, a situation her angels needed to rectify that situation.  

The angel network found a beautiful black dog named Duke. When I learned he was in Sturbridge Massachusetts, not too far from the farm I entered this life in, I knew he was a winner. Both Molly and Mitch loved him and whispered to me that Duke was just like them.

That night Mitch and Molly visited their mom i her dreams and stayed until she could see the idea printed on her forehead, and they knew their message had been received. The next morning their mom drove to the quaint New England town and brought home Duke who fit into her heart, and life perfectly.

I had learned a lesson, not to create a life when there are so many whose life need to be saved by love.

Mitch and Molly spend all of Duke’s waking moments with him, advising him as ghosts. They are thrilled to see their mom so happy.

It is had to get a happy ending so soon after their mom’s worst day, but that is the magic of love and angels: They bring happiness to all.

Except possibly me, who is trying to find a home for an AI aardvark..

It was a good reminder to me that there is no substitute for the real thing


  1. We were thrilled by the hard work and efforts of all The NAM's...I know we worked on their special mom...convincing her another dog was just whar she needed!


    1. We know that Duke is just a perfect match for Mitch and Molly's mom.
      Now about an aardvark - oh how I would love a playmate.....

  2. Duke is a wonderful sweet little puppy and is much loved already. Thank you, Mitch and Molly and Foley. He is the perfect fit♥

  3. Molly ~ Mitch, you did well, chose wisely ~ now run about and play, your work is done, and we thank you! (... as for the lonely aardvark, we'll put the word out, surely there is someone somewhere ... dontcha think?)

  4. Molly and Mitch definitely knew what Mom needed...a friend and a buddy...they found that in Duke. He is himself, like nobody else.
    What a beautiful post in tribute to Molly, Mitch and Duke.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. I never doubted it for a minute, I knew Mitch and Molly would find the perfect heart healing pup and they sure did!

  6. Mitch and Molly did a great job finding Duke for their mom.

  7. We knew that Mitch and Molly would find the perfect pup along with your help and maybe some inspiration from their older sister Maggie. Now about that aardvark - Mom says she really has to resist the urge to get us another pup, but maybe we could work on her for that aardvark:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?