Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: Momma's Song


It's a little bit funny. 

This Feeling inside

And not just because I ate a pound of rawhide

I don’t have opposable thumbs but boy if I did

On Mother’s Day I would fill with roses this house we both do live

I wouldn’t want to be a lion of this I know

Or a bear leaving tracks in the snow

I am glad to be a dog through and through

My gift is my bark and this one’s for you

And you can tell everybody

That bark is for me

It may may be shrill, sharp and loud

But it’s filled with love

I hope you don’t mind

I hope you don’t mind

That I peed on the floor

I didn’t have enough time to make it to the doggy door

I sat on the porch

and barked like a boss

The kitties who live underneath 

Made me quite cross

Them living down there is not wrong

As long as they know to me, mom belongs

Excuse me for farting

It’s something I do

It can no more be controlled

Than a cow going moo

Anyway, the thing is

What I wanted to say

My world became complete the day I met you

And you can tell everybody 

That dog is barking for me

you may not be able to tell, 

but its full of love

I hope you don’t mind

I hope you don’t mind

Nor think she’s mean

She’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever seen

I hope you don’t mind

I hope you don’t mind

That I barked out the words

You are the greatest mom in the whole wide world


  1. I love your Mother's Day song to your mom, Ruby, and I was singing along as I was reading it! Happy Mother's Day to your sweet mom!

  2. Elton J and Bernie T are surely jelly of your writing talents - and LIFE!


  3. That's a great version of that song. We think it applies to our mom too.

  4. Awww, that is the sweetest ever version of a great song. Well done Ruby!

  5. Ruby Rose you excel at words of love to your Mama
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Way to do it right, Ruby Rose!!! Your song for Mom is awesome. We bet she loved it too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?