Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday Question


Do you snore when you sleep?

Do you dream and move your legs like you are running?

Do you bark or sleep in your sleep?


  1. Pocket: I curl up in a ball and don't move for hours.

    River Song: I snore loudly, and I dream and kick my feet. I am a tough date

  2. da nelly is a sawmill... the mama often blames our dad, but it is really da nelly... he can snore like a drunken sailor...

  3. I say Gail snores but she says she doesn't. She says I snore but I say 'no, no, no!'.

  4. My human tells me her ex-roommate, Dougie Dog did everyone of those things (cause he was a dog!) ... but I, June, is a kitty cat so I do not. But I do bite her toes when it's time to get up, like around 4:30 a.m.

  5. Yep, I do snore, quite loudly sometimes!

  6. There is a snorer in this house who shall remain nameless however HE denies it.
    Toto the mighty mini Dachshund ran miles in his sleep I suspect chasing critters
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I snore and whimper so loud sometimes it wakes my mom up...but it makes her hug me so I like that!

    Your friend Rosie

  8. Our Angel Little Bit didn't snore, but she was a bed hog. She weighed 85 pounds and could take over the whole bed. We let her too. Best pup ever. We miss her so.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. Sweetie has a quiet snore; it's really rather cute!

  10. Nope. No snoring. A bit of dreaming about chasing squirrels, though … kick, kick, kick …

  11. Ha Ha great pic!!! Lightning is the snorer here. Both Misty and Timber dream in their sleep and make lots of vocal sounds and move their legs a lot. Sometime Lightning will cry out in his sleep too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Mackey snores and also nose whistles. I don't think Sydney sleeps.

  13. pocket N river; de food servizz gurl said if we start barkin....herz leeve inn !!! :) ☺☺☺☺ let de barkin commenze ☺☺☺☺ ♥♥


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?