Monday, February 1, 2021

Monday Question


Where do you get your food? Pet Smart? Petco? Independent dealer? Online? From Mom's fridge?


  1. Since the pandemic we have got our good from Chewy, but my parents still stop at PetSmart now and then for treats and wet food.

  2. we get it directly from a company who makes only fresh food for dogs and cats, sadly with the new rules we are no longer allowed so our dad has to pick it up without us. that's sh*t, because we always got a free sausage when we were on board...

  3. Mom gets our food from the grocery meat and veggie and egg sections. And from the Mexican grocery. And from neighbors who are cleaning out their freezers. Oh, and also from the guy who kills the deer. XOX Xena and Lucy

  4. We mostly order ours online but the Mom does get some at the grocery store.

  5. When Angel Little Bit was young we got it at the pet store. When she got older we got it from our vet.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. From a bowl on the kitchen floor.

  7. BJs. But I also get lots of table scraps and special treats.

  8. We try to use a local pet shop, but sometimes just have to order online.

  9. Hi Guys! Us cats eat Fancy Feast and canned tuna, (and crunchies) Mom cooks Cinnamon's suppers! Mom started cooking the dogs foods back in the 90s. A before got really sick from special canned dog food. Cinnamon does get kibble from a bag though. BTW, Mom is baking Cinnamon some sweet treats today and will post tomorrow!

  10. hay ewe dawgz.....

    noe, noe, yez, yez, yez ...and de pan tree two ;) ☺☺♥♥


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?