Monday, September 13, 2021


I am a velcro dog.  I stick next to Mommy all the time, and if she goes somewhere and shuts the door I will sit on the other side and wait for her to come out.  How much of a velcro pet are you?


  1. we are glued to the mama... we sit even in da bathroom on her lap LOL

  2. Xena: I am a total velcro dog to my Mommy. I follow her everwhere. Sometimes I snuggle up in Daddy's lap, though, when I think he needs me.
    Lucy: I like to be touching someone.

  3. Well I wish I could say Madi was a velcro cat but alas she was not. She marched to her own drum in all walks of unlike our first cat who was a velcro cat. We quickly learned to cherish the moments she decided sitting on our laps they were always a surprise and very much enjoyed.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Our Angel Little Bit followed my husband everywhere too. She was a Velcro pup indeed.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. One of my nick names is Mr. Underfoot. But our angel Miss Ginger was even better at being underfoot than I am.

  6. I am not a velcro dog. I am an independent minded terrier. I can be affectionate, if fact quite often am, but always on my terms.
    Toodle pip!

  7. Hi friend, Ojo here! It depends. Sometimes I go downstairs and lie on the couch and stay there for hours while all the people are upstairs. But the rest of the time my people call me a "Cat Dog". This is a bit insulting, actually. What they mean by that is that I always like to be stuck to their legs or underneath their feet. I don't understand why this annoys them...

    Pee Ess You have a very cute face!

  8. We're not velcros here, but the peeps are!

  9. We are all velcro dogs too. We like to be wherever Mom is. And if she isn't home, we all hang out as close to the back door as we can get to greet her when she returns.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?